Prayer when you face an incurable diagnosis
Written by: Vivian Bricker, Reading by: Leah Girard
Bible reading: “From ancient times, from what is still to come, I will inform the end from the beginning. “My purpose will stand and do everything I please.” ” – Isaiah 46:10
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Recently I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. Sadly, there is no cure. All I can do is take medication to prevent the illness from getting worse. To say these last few months have been a whirlwind is an understatement. Every day I face pains that I have never experienced before. I was used to emotional pain for most of my life, but not to physical pain like this.
I think this disorder has made my mental state much worse in the last year. Knowing that I have been diagnosed with incurable is a lot to carry every day. Most days I want to pretend it’s not authentic. The way this state affects my overall life is what makes me want to stop living. This may sound harsh, but it’s honest. I’m not going to lie to make others feel better. If you are currently undergoing an unbearable diagnosis, know that you are not alone.
After hours of research, I found out that autoimmune disorders are not as unusual as I believed. Autoimmune disorders are actually very common and are not considered rare in the medical community. My life has changed with new difficulties, but God’s plan for me will not be stopped. He can still use me to carry out his great plans.
This is why we don’t think our excruciating diagnosis is a game overcard. Instead, we need to think of it as a barrier that can be managed with the help of the Lord. Some of us may never cure illnesses on this side of heaven, but we can trust Him every day. And one day, we experience true freedom from illness and never feel pain again. Illness, pain, and death will be a thing of the past.
In reality, these things may not be passed on to our hearts anymore as we are fascinated by the Lord and His beauty. This does not mean that our pain is not an issue, but rather that bright days will come when our pain no longer controls our lives.
Until then, we must continue to move forward and trust in God. I understand this is difficult. This is because my faith has been challenged over the course of this year in more ways than I can count. Have you successfully completed all of these challenges? No, I don’t have it. I was angry with God and blamed him for my pain, illness, lack of healing. But I also learned the goodness of God and the simple joy he gives me when I feel better, when I feel a refreshing air on my face, or when I see a smile from a loved one.
God speaks directly to us. I say, “My purpose will stand, and I will do everything that I will please” (Isaiah 46:10). God’s purpose will stand, and he will do everything that he will please. Our incurable diagnosis will not be taken away for his plans, purposes, or for our lives.
There are still many great things to behold, even if you’re not watching it. There are many wonderful things to come, and they will be filled by God. When the day is dark and harsh, find hope in the Word of God, as recorded in Isaiah 46:10. Find the power of his love and know that his purpose in your life will win.
Let’s pray:
Dear God, thank you for still having a purpose in my life. One day I feel like my life is over. This incurable diagnosis is the most difficult thing I have ever had to deal with in my life. Give me strength and hope through you. In the name of your son, I pray, amen.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Jacob Wackerhausen
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