February 10th, 2025, 1:01pm
Two stakes from the Church of Jesus Christ, a Latter-day Saint in West Africa in Sierra Leone, are taking steps to strengthen marriage and family.
The Beau Sierra Leone East Stake and Wellington Sierra Leone stocks in the Church’s Western Africa region use resources from strengthening church marriages and strengthening family courses.
Enhancing marriage and strengthening family courses can help couples to enrich their marriage relationships and improve their parenting skills. Manuals can be ordered in the ward or branch. Alternatively, you can search for the course name at Churchofjesuschrist.org to find the PDF version of each online. Resources are available in several languages.
Class subjects include applying Gospel principles in marriage, promoting equality and unity, communicating with love, overcoming anger, resolving conflicts, and enriching marriage.
These weekly pilot classes in Sierra Leone are for members of stake presidencies, bishops, branch presidents and their wives, the Church’s African newsroom explained. The aim is to provide these leaders with valuable insights and tools to strengthen their marriage and family. That’s something you can implement in your own ward or branch to benefit your broader membership.
Each share wanted to ensure that its leader was well prepared to support and guide the family to strengthen the family. This not only benefits individuals, but also contributes to the overall strength of local and global church communities.
Sierra Leone will also be holding its 7th Annual Enhancement Family Conference later this year.
The Conference of Family Reinforcement is an international and interfaith-infamous event sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, bringing together experts, educators, government and community leaders, faith leaders and traditional leaders. Masu. It is held in various countries in Africa.
Last year, in the western Africa region, 27 couples in Togo’s country stake in Rom Togo Eye became the first in the country to acquire a strengthening class in marriage. They talked about how much they learned and grew together about their efforts in church news articles.
The course was supported by the area’s Welfare and Independent Services department and was led by Tamara Esidadason, Family Services Manager.
“I am very grateful to these couples who have set such a great example for all married people in West Africa,” Dudson said in 2024. . β
Church teachings and resources regarding marriage
The church teaches that the greatest joy of life can be seen in the family. Under the Gospel Topics section at Churchofjesuschrist.org and the term “marriage” in the Gospels app, it says:
“Strong family relationships require effort, but such efforts will bring about great happiness for this life and eternal happiness. In our Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness, men and women seal each other for time and eternity. Those sealed in the temple have the assurance that their relationship will last forever if they are faithful to their covenant. They even die, I know that it cannot be separated forever.β

It continues: “Marriage is a very important relationship in life, so it takes more time than a less important commitment. Couples talk together, listen to each other, and considerate You can spend time strengthening your marriage by expressing your deep respect and expressing your kind feelings and affection frequently.”
Church resources to strengthen marriage and family can be found at churchfjesuschrist.org/topics/family/strengthing-marriages-and-families.
Gospel Study Guide for Marriage can be found through the Gospel Topics section of the church website and the Gospel Living app.
The Church’s Emotional Resilience Course is currently in 30 languages ββand is another resource from family services with guiding principles that can improve people’s lives.
Additional Family Services resources can be found at familyservices.churchofjesuschrist.org.