January 31, 2025, 1:00 pm
In the episode 225 of The Church News Podcast, the manager of Matt Grow, the manager of the history division of the church, the recent mini series, including the depiction of the end -day saint Jesus Christ Church, which contributes to the misunderstanding of the Church of Jesus Christ I did.
“The disciples of Jesus Christ are always living in the world of violence and fighting, and I believe that people who come to the” American primitive “without much understanding are the last day of the day. I have a deep concern that it will be, “said Glow.
He explained that Peace Making is an essential part of the church and the savior’s gospel.
“What I know now is not always knowing about the history of Sai -Nichi, which means that our religious traditions and the Bible tradition include great peas. “He said.
“Prime Val in the United States” was set in the 1850s and depicts the late church’s second president, Brigam Young. Last -day saints; and groups of indigenous people where Utah lived in a certain area. Grow said that the depiction of the Brigham Young show was incorrect.
“He was a believer. He was a believer in his early days and through his life. He regarded himself as a disciple of peace of peace.”
Brigham Young tried to leave the place of dispute to find a place where church members could live without conflict. As a result, some people compared him with Moses, and he said.
Through 30 minutes of podcasts, Grow explains both Mountain Meadows Massacre and Bear River Massacre. He also provides additional context in the history of North America.
Growth also encourages to understand the fact that the saint of the last day has always been laughing, but does not encourage excessive play.
“I think we can feel the parent SHIP with the past people who have been misunderstood and misunderstanding. He said.
For members of churches who do not feel that they understand this period in the history of the church, they are invited to read the church to read the church “peace and violence among the 19th century Saint in the 19th century”. I will do it. Or at the Gospel Library.

At the end of the essay, the church quotes President Russell M. Nelson. Russell M. Nelson.
According to growth, members of the church are still progressing in the area.
“I think it’s an ability that we have not fully realized, but we have historical and Bible resources, the organizational abilities of the church, and the saints of the Lower -day Saints to become a pacifist in the world today. I think there is.

Church statement: “Deceive description: When a historical novel harms”
The next statement was published by the church on Friday, January 24.
“The recently released streaming series presents the fictitious interpretation of Utah events in the mid -19th century. Historical fiction can be illuminated, but this drama is dangerously misleading. 。
“Brigam Young, a respected prophet and brave pioneer, is incorrectly characterized by villains and violent fanatics. Other individuals and groups are not. It is drawn by strengthening accurate and harmful stereotypes.
“The church has long acknowledged and blamed the tragedy of the mountainous grass, which is incorrectly depicted that the series reflects the whole religious group, for a long time. What happened. We are taking important measures to promote healing.

“Such deceived, graphics, and sensational storytelling issues are not only ambiguous and hindering true understanding, but also hostility, hatred, and even violence. We are particularly troublesome today, when many responsible leaders are blaming many of our public discourse, and we are Russell. Repeated President Nelson, how difficult the situation is. We recommend that you always become a piece maker. “
“This emotion shared over a lot of traditions resonates all over the world today, is a prophecy of Jesus Christian Church, a saint, and this is all modern, including Brigam Young. A message shared by the prophet.