March 23, 2025, 12:00 PM MDT
This week’s “Come, Come, Follow Me” research guide covers Doctrine and Contracts 27-28. This includes the teaching that only prophets receive revelation throughout the church.
Below are some quotes from past and present church leaders regarding these sections of the Doctrine and Covenant.
Doctrine and Contract 27
“The Melchizedek priesthood is the authority of God who is entrusted with to accomplish his work “to bring eternal human life” (Moses 1:39). It was awarded to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowby by the Savior’s Apostles Peter, James and John in 1829 (see D&C 27:12).
“The key to the priesthood is the authority to direct the exercise of the priesthood. Therefore, when the apostles awarded the Melchizedek Priesthood to Joseph and Oliver, they gave them the key to direct the exercise (see Doctrine and Covenant 27:12-13).
“The priesthood of Melchizedek is not a status or label. It is the power of God that is trusted to use for the work of God for his children. We must remember that men who always hold the priesthood are not a “priest.” It is not appropriate to refer to “the priesthood and women.” You should refer to “The Priesthood and the owner of the women.” ”
– President Darrin H. Oaks, first counselor of the first presidency, General Conference in April 2018, “Prethopaedic Power”
“In an age where families are being attacked by evil forces… the First President and a quorum of 12 people are set in the Family: Declaration to the World.”
“This includes raising, supporting and teaching children all that is relevant to righteousness, and they remain firm, “the waist holds the truth, the chest of justice, and the feet (their) will ring in preparation for the gospel of peace” (D&C 27:16). ”
– Elder Francisco J. Vinas, then General Affairs, 70 years old, April 2010 General Meeting, “Things Related to Justice”
“One thing is very clear. The safest place and best protection against moral and mental illness is a stable home and family. This is always true. It is forever true.
“The Bible speaks of the “shield of faith.”
“This shield of faith is best made in the cottage industry. The shield can be refined in church and activity classes, but is handmade at home and intended to suit each individual.
“The Lord said, “Take me all my armor, and ye may endure evil days, and ye may stand up” (D&C 27:15).
“Our young people are much stronger and better than us in many ways. We should not be afraid of what will happen next.”
– The late President Boyd K. Packer, the quorum representative president of the 12 apostles, at the general conference in April 2004, “Don’t be afraid.”
“Individual testimony is the foundation and strength of the Church. Our testimony provides a guided light that leads to our commitment to direct our actions and our way of life. Our testimony is true to the north to the spiritual compass.
“Our testimony is the result of obedience in the form of peace, joy and understanding in the mind of the Gospel principles. Testimony is the shield of faith that ye can heal all the fiery darts of the wicked” (D&C 27:17). ”
– The late Elder Robert D. Hales, then the general conference in October 1994, members of the quorum of the 12 Apostles, “The Importance of Receiving Personal Testimony.”
“Compared to other distributions, this distribution is unique in that it is the last of all distributions in regards to the receipt of this God’s information as included in the revelation by the Prophet Joseph Smith.
“I will gather in heaven and all that has violated the keys of my kingdom, and to those who have committed the distribution of the gospel of the last ages, and for the perfection of the ages, I will be in heaven and in all that is on earth” (D&C 27:13). ”
– The late Elder Alvin R. Dyer, then assistant to the 12 council of General Conference, “The Last Distribution” in April 1972.
Doctrine and Contract 28

“Satan seduces us to misuse time through disguised distractions. …Hirlam Page, one of the eight witnesses in the Book of Mormon, has taught us valuable lessons about distractions. We may need to be figically rooted in dust in our lives. 1:13).
– Elder of Ian S. Arder, then General Bureau 70, October 2011 General Meeting, “Time for Preparation”
“Sometimes he reveals to us what the Lord intended solely for us; yet, in many cases, he entrusts the testimony of truth to those who share it with others. This is the case of all prophets since the time of Adam. 28:16.”
– Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, second counselor in the first presidency, April 2011 General Assembly, “Waiting for the Road to Damascus”
“The discovery of obstacles can be another cause of personal apostasy. When you start looking for the shortcomings of others or thinking that you can make better decisions than your leader, you need to remember the experiences of Oliver Cowdely, the second elder of the church.
“In Doctrine and Covenant 28:2, Oliver Cowdeley is spoken through the revelation given to Joseph Smith. And so, sadly, Oliver rebelled against Joseph, saying, “If I leave this church, it will fall.” Joseph replied, “Oliver, you should give it a try.” Oliver tried it, but he embraced the Kingdom of God.
“We enter a state of apostasy when we assume authority that we do not own or seek revelation of stewardship outside of our sphere of responsibility. As revealed to Oliver Cowdeley, our duty is to “be obedient to things and the covenant” (28:3) The Lord reveals to other leaders who have called his prophets and other leaders through the authority of priesthood.
– In a small sign article in June 2009, “Avoiding the Apostasy of Personality,” Elder Claudio D. Zivic, 70 at the time, 70 years old

“Modern Prophets warn that true personal impressions from the Lord are always in harmony with what is taught by the Bible and the living prophets. Furthermore, we should remember that only the president of the Church receives revelation for the Church (D&C 28:2;
– Grant E. Burton, training director at the Provo Missionary Training Center in February 1996, in “Identification Answers to Our Prayer.”
“We, like the old men, have a sacred duty to share the gospel with our neighbors and friends, and “tell us to observe everything (the Lord) commanded you” (Matthew 28:20). 28:16). ”
– In a small sign article in October 1995, “Thus Teaching All Countries,” Elder Kwok Yuen Tai was 70 years old.
A quick and easy way to “come back” cannot be packaged at the church headquarters and delivered to local priesthood leaders. Even new technology cannot convey love remotely. These two great commandments must be applied locally by church leaders and churches must be built all over the world.
“Preach my gospel… and my church will be established” (D&C 28:8).
“When that happens, there will be a great blessing of eternal value.”
– President Russell M. Nelson, a member of the quorum of 12 Apostles, in January 1987, in a small sign article “Love Thy Neighbor,”