March 9, 2025, 5:17pm MDT
President Jeffrey R. Holland, the mission president of the 12 Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, joined Elder Neil L. Andersen and his wife Cathy Andersen, elders of Sisters Qualum L. Andersen, and wife Cathy Andersen, for a keynote address on Saturday, March 8th, of the Family Discovery Day at RootStech 2025.
Elder Patrick Caeron, who is also a member of the 12 quorum, attended the day of the family’s discovery, along with his wife, Sister Jennifer Caeron, and was seen by the audience.
Thousands of people attended in person at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, and millions more watched online as elders and sister Andersen learned meaningful life experiences and gospel lessons. Elder Andersen invited the Dutch president to share his thoughts and experiences from young people and his family lives.
After relating the farm lessons that Elder Andersen taught him about the importance of being led by the Savior in his life, President Holland reflected the differences that Jesus Christ and the gospel had given him.
“It’s just as different as life, and I’ve even been born into a church,” he said. “It’s so big that it’s the Savior that I can’t really convey the difference in that 85 years. That means everything to me. And the work is getting faster. The work is moving.”
Women and the Priesthood
During the presentation, sister Andersen shared a moving story about her great grandfather and father making incredible sacrifices to honor the priesthood and ensure that their families are sealed in the temple. President Holland said he was deeply moved by these stories.
“There’s only one thing more powerful than a man talking about the priesthood: it’s a woman talking about the priesthood,” he said. “I am deeply moved when a woman chooses to speak just as she can and should be justified about the power of the priesthood of her life. Women, we salute you. I love you.”
Elder Andersen and his sisters surprised the Dutch president by showing a video from family history. At the general meeting in October 1999, I talked about my poor young father and family with a broken car in Southern Utah entitled “Good Things To Go.”
Hartfelt’s video and message reminded the Dutch president of his wife, and once again he paid tribute to all women and left a blessing to all those present, but “especially women.”
“She gave me everything in the gospel of Jesus Christ,” he said of his wife, Patricia T. Holland, who passed away in 2023. The great, last, pinnacled work of God’s creation is a woman, and I am forever grateful to you, especially my wife. ”
He continued: “May God bless you all, from all who are here today, especially women of age, children, daughters, and women of our age, and women of all ages, and I bless you all with priesthood rights and eternal promises.”
Pray and testify – More
After telling him about his childhood that Elder Anderson taught him about the power of prayer, the Dutch president recalled in April 2024 the “hidden fire movement” and two lessons he learned in the hospital.
“We pray more often and in more places than we do, and if you pray a lot, pray more,” he said. “The other lesson was to testify to be a witness. No matter how much you testify, give more.”
Temple attendance
Speaking about the importance of Temple attendance, President Holland spoke about his father, Frank Holland. Without a phone or manual (only a car), he reached out on his own and convinced others to go to the temple with him.
“Today, those descendants tell his descendants that they are grateful to him for shaping their lives,” President Holland said. “I love Frank Holland, not only does he bring that priesthood and those covenants into our home, but he brought it to many others.”