February 12, 2025, 7:22am
“Discovery” – A word that captures a moment of true emotionality in people looking for family history. This is how Jonathan Wing, director of the FamilySearch International events, explained the theme of this year’s Rowstech Worldwide Family History Conference.
“When you find that story, find that record, find its name, you get this very realistic feeling,” Wing said.
This year’s event is scheduled for March 6th-8th, with an in-person event in Salt Lake City and an online offering through rootStech.org.
In a recent interview with Church News, Wing spoke about the exciting and inspirational new offerings at Root Tech 2025, which celebrates the emotions associated with personal discoveries in family history.
Make family history more accessible
Roottech, the world’s largest family history conference, has revolutionized the way people connect with their ancestors. Each year, more people attend Salt Palace Convention Centre and essentially held conferences.
“RootStech is an online event enhanced by face-to-face experience,” Wing says.
RootStech originally began as a face-to-face meeting. However, when the Covid-19 pandemic forced the in-person event to temporarily close, the Roottech Committee decided to effectively keep it. This opened opportunities to participants all over the world.
“It’s just amazing how much Roottech has grown,” Wing said. “Individuals around the world are drawn to this family’s history message.”
Wing recalled that the event coordinator was excited to see millions of people from all over the world taking part. RootStech is always based on using technology to further discovery of family history, but its unexpected changes have opened the door to a new era of success in family history.
When RootStech returned to the in-person event in 2023, organizers knew they could not return to their previous situation. “We couldn’t ignore what happened,” Wing said, calling it a miracle.
Each year, the Event Committee analyzes what it can do to make the next event better than the previous event. RootStech 2025 aims to do just that. In particular, with the majority of participants effectively participating, RootStech rethinks the planning and programming of audiences around the world, helping participants feel more connected and make family history more accessible I’m doing it.

The event committee has been “excited” about both face-to-face and online events, and is in even more sync this year. Over 250 sessions will be held at Salt Palace, with 70 more than ever before and will be broadcast live for those participating online. Family Discovery Days will focus on attracting young people to connect with their families. Keynote speakers like 12 Quorum Elder Neil L. Andersen and his wife, Sister Kathy Andersen, share an emotional story.
“It’s about being able to make meaningful discoveries for individuals,” Wing explained. He said that more than 2,000 pre-recorded sessions are already available in more than 50 languages ​​on rootstech.org.
Improved multilingual accessibility
For those who can’t meet in person, RootStech 2025 expands your online experience like never before.
To better serve audiences around the world, the FamilySearch team has become a top priority for creating a more inclusive and accessible experience. This year, RootStech Online will feature 11 global hosts from a variety of backgrounds and languages: Arabic, Cantonese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese , Spanish.
This website is also available in these and other languages.
New Online Expo Hall
This year, RootStech will feature online expo halls that directly reflect the event, allowing participants to explore the company’s booths, chat with vendors, and discover the latest innovations that support meaningful family discoveries. Masu.
Family Discovery Date: Free Family Fun
Family Discovery Day brings more to explore, along with dynamic activities such as world art exhibitions and unique Latin American experiences, along with activities designed to help people connect with their ancestors. Classes will be offered in Spanish and Portuguese for the first time, creating opportunities for the Latinos community to experience route tech in new ways. Plus, there are plenty of games for kids. RootStech is not only a genealogy conference, but also a fun family event. In particular, it’s the day of family discovery where all activities, including both member and member specialty classes, are completely free.
Each year, Rowstech features special keynote speakers from a quorum of 12 apostles. This year, after a performance from the piano guys, the elder and sister Andersen share their message. Elder Andersen shares the lessons learned from his upbringing on the dairy farm and how those experiences shaped his faith. Sister Andersen speaks about the story of the sacrificial family and her dedication to the temple’s contracts and ordinances.
With Andersense on stage, the piano guys play and set the tone of the uplifting and memorable gathering, Wing said.
“It’s going to be a very special session.”
Products focused on young people
RootStech is trying something new this year. This is a global youth activity focusing on young people aged 11 and 12 who are not used to temple attendance and temple worship.
“It’s a great opportunity to connect family history and temple worship and how they work together,” Wing said. “It’s really about leading with the Savior and helping our ancestors have the opportunity to bind themselves to the Savior.”
Wing said the session will be available for viewing on March 6th, and it’s hard to believe it’s something he’s never seen before. There is a fascinating entertainment and inspiring message from President Susan H. Porter and his brother Bradley R. Wilcox and brother Bradley R. Wilcox, President Young Men General.
Ward Youth Group recommends watching the session as part of Aaron’s Priesthood activities each week.
Pre-coded keynote address
RootStech features a wide lineup of keynote speakers, both in-person and virtual, from a wide range of backgrounds and regions around the world.
Keynote speakers sharing virtual messages include the Botero family, known as Los Chicaneros, with over 30 million followers on social media. Ndaba Mandela, grandson of Nelson Mandela; YouTube singer and Philippine star Ysabelle Cuevas. Marcolui is a famous Italian celebrity.
Face-to-face keynote speech
In-person talks include FamilySearch CEO Steve Rockwood. Dana Tanamachi, a famous chalk art artist. Couples Tara Davis Woodhall and Hunter Udal, who won Olympic and Paralympic gold medals.
No additional keynote speakers have been announced yet.
“What do you discover?”
By adopting technology and innovation, Rootstech aims to make it easier than ever for families to uncover stories and strengthen their intergenerational connections.
“What will you discover at RootStech 2025?” asked this year’s event promised to be an inspiring journey for everyone who attends wherever they are.