In the era when many Christian religions in the United States are experiencing rapid decline, Pentecoste and charismatic churches continue to grow. Roman Catholics, South Baptist Treaty, Holy Association Church, Elderly Church (USA), and the Gospel Lutel Church in the United States have seen significant decline in memberships, but the Pentecoste’s movements are lively. It is continuing to expand. This is a question: Why is the Pentecoste Church struggling while the Pentecoste Church is growing? Here are 10 reasons for explaining this interesting phenomenon.
1. Youth wants not only doctrine but also experience. One of the main reasons for growth in Pentecostellism is the appeal of young people who are looking for something more than intellectual knowledge and traditional doctrine. Many millennials and Z Christians are attracted to the worship environment where you can experience the existence of God in a close and concrete way. This focuses on the experimental aspects of religion through dynamic worship, prophecy, and healing.
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2. Accept the power of the spirit for witnesses. The Pentecoste church is seriously taking the mission of 1: 8a (NIV). Focusing on the power of the Holy Spirit is an important factor in their growth. The Pentecoste believes that the spirit of the spirit is essential not only for personal transformation but also an effective witness of the gospel.
3. A belief in supernatural intervention. Pentecoste’s beliefs for supernatural intervention are different from more traditional Christian sect, which tends to rational or neglect miracles. The Pentecoste has solidified the truth that God is still moving supernaturally in today’s world, healing, rescuing, and doing other miraculous actions. Pentekostians’ congregation often testifies a supernatural encounter, from healing to prophecy words. This kind of religion for the immediate and aggressive power of God brings hope to those who are looking for answers beyond the natural domain.
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4. Fierce corporate prayer strategy for breakthroughs. Corporate prayers are the main elements of Pentecost’s worship and are often intense and urgent. The Pentekosto church is known for a long time in prayer, and often shouts to God for individual life, community, and national breakthroughs. The culture based on this prayer wants to see the real changes and appeal to those who are not enthusiastic to achieve it.
5. Spirit empowered people overcome the meat. Another reason for the growth of Pentecostellism is to focus on the power of the Holy Spirit to help the believers overcome their sinful properties or “meat”. Many people are attracted to Pentecoste churches because they are looking for poisoning, sinful habits, and rescue from personal struggles. In the Pentekoste’s teachings, the Holy Spirit plays an important role in giving the believers to temptation and giving the sacredness and power. This actual focus on personal transformation uses an individual who is tired of fighting the same problem continuously, and demands freedom beyond his will and human efforts.
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