February 14th, 2025, 2pm
After serving as a young man on a mission in Amsterdam, the young man, General President Stephen J. Rand, following the guidance of the spirit, served from 1975 to 1979, serving as an active reserve for three years and active reserve. I served. ). During that time he was stationed in Georgia. Frankfurt, Germany. and California.
Because of that experience, President Lund was particularly grateful for the opportunity to visit Latter-day Saint Cadet at the US Military Academy in West Point, New York on February 6-8.
“I’m wearing a uniform so I might be on a different level than these young adults. “It was a joy to witness and witness a truly great saint doing something amazing.” ”
It was his first visit to West Point. President Lund was accompanied by his wife, Sister Callene Lund, and Todd Linton, retired Air Force colonel and director of the Church’s military relations and pastoral service department and prison ministries.
During the three-day ministry, they met with more than 40 cadets and faculty members of the Church of Jesus Christ for Latter-day Saints, as well as military officials in West Point.
They were praying with members of the Hudson Valley YSA branch. Adult training with local members. And then there was a prayer for the young people attended by 450.
President Lund said, “I was deeply moved by the West Point community of saints who operate under such extraordinary, physical and mental demands, but still maintain the balance of their lives and the disciples.” I stated.

Some cadets are considering or preparing missionary services. Others are currently offering missions and hope to reapply and return.
“These are all cadets who had to obtain a congressional appointment to reach West Point,” President Lund said. “They have to have academics. They have to pass a very challenging physical fitness test and go through some interviews. So they get there and two years later, is willing to leave to go on missions without guaranteed that they will return. It’s pretty amazing.”
Lt. Col. Matthew Ellett, a West Point academy professor who serves as chairman of the Hudson Valley YSA branch in New York, New York, said he was deeply grateful for the visit of the president and sister Lund.

“For both these young people, cadets and non-cadets, church membership is often sparse here in the northeast, so it can easily be forgotten, especially for young single adults,” Ellett said. I said that. “So it’s invaluable to make these visits and yeah, they care and let them know that they’re thought of.”
Founded in 1802, West Point is located north of New York City and is a scenic winding on the Hudson River. The US Military Academy produces many prominent military, political, business and civic leaders in US history.

In 1871, Willard Young, the son of President Brigham Young, became the first Latter-day Saint to join the West Point community.
President Jeffrey R. Holland, the 12 Apostle Quarter President, visited West Point in 2022 to offer a new Latter-day Holy Chapel near the Academy. The Dutch President visited in 2010 for the National Day of Pine Breakfast.
Looking back on the visit, President Lund said, “It was a wonderful life experience, I will never forget.”