Prayer to keep praying even if you are disappointed
By Keri Eichberger
Bible Reading: Early in the morning, it was still dark, but Jesus rose up and left the house, where he went to a lonely place where he had prayed. (Mark 1:35)
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There’s a bit of secret to share. I used to be quite cynical about prayer. It never actually prevented me from taking my praises or demands from my heavenly Father. But I had this inner thought that what I said, suggested, or asked for was not so important. Because God was going to do what he was trying to do, regardless of what I had to say about it. I began to adopt this idea in college. That’s when you feel that everything is praying in a particular situation due to the lack of a seemingly continuous response. Around this time my prayers began to sound like this. Now, God, you know I love you. You know what I want. But I’ll bring this to you again. Thank you for listening, Amen. See what I told you, cynism was slipping into my prayer time. Well, it sounded better than that, I maintained my respect for the holy holy people, but I wondered what weight my words had. Was it really important to spread the mind he already knew and had known forever and present it to the Lord? I didn’t really understand. So, as the disappointment of life came and the answers continued to appear, I struggled to see what my prayers were doing.
Have you ever wondered whether your prayers make a difference? You are probably in the midst of some disappointment and decisions, and need a board that resonates with comfort and sound. But are you looking for something solution for too long, feeling exhausted after waiting and beginning to wonder what the use is?
I once asked the same question. Until I began studying Jesus’ life. In fact, one of my favorites about Jesus’ time here is that he gave us the perfect example of how to live. How to praise my father. And how we find the fulfillment of life we are waiting for. And perhaps my most important example he modelled was the way to pray. I love how he’s separated from the crowd. I love how quiet he is and quietly isolated. And Jesus himself, God, but completely human, took the time to spill his heart and soul on his father. He offered him thanks and praise. He shared the pain. And he sought help and wisdom. But more than anything, his will is done. He knew his father’s plan, he knew the difficult role he had to play, but he still prayed. And he did it frequently, intentionally and with respect.
If God’s example and leadership son is not enough to encourage us to continue to prioritize open and constant communication, I hope there are benefits to it. The truth I had to learn was that praying wasn’t just meant to get an answer like a magical eight-ball. And it’s not just about making good excuses to get away from people so that people don’t bother me a little. Spending time in conversation with the Lord offers far more than I once understood, regardless of the response I think God gave.
Morning time with Jesus has become the most precious time of my day. The omniscient God knows my heart and soul better than I ever had, but when I hold back on my innermost thoughts, beautiful and broken things, he hears me. yes. I will recite the truth of his mighty name, so I will find security and guarantees in his faithfulness, sovereignty, mercy, grace. When I bring the demands of others to him, I find a sweet embrace of compassion and empathy. It brings a blessing of purpose and a perspective on how well he loves me.
If you are disappointed, disappointed, and feel that your prayers are the steam of the wind, keep praying. Keep bringing your heart to God again and again. Our beloved Lord is waiting to provide us as well. Strong enough for our day. It permeates peace in our struggle. When we say hello to him, we shower each of his sons and daughters with a wealth of gifts. There is always resolution and refresh in front of him. And because his presence is always with us, we can continue to communicate constantly as we move forward.
Let’s pray:
God the Father, you are always with me. I am waiting for me to come to you with an open heart and surrendered soul. Hearing my voice, talking to me, and ensuring your beloved presence and protection, I am ready to shower. And while I don’t always live like a matter of time for us, I truly value our God’s connection and communication above all else. Help me continue to come back to you when life’s disappointment is coming. I know that in you will find a refresh for the thirst of my soul. Lord, I thank you for modeling prayer and its importance. And I appreciate your constant compassion and presence. In your holy name, Amen.
Photo credit: ©istock/getty images plus/deagreez
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