The church, which has been active in Indonesia’s South Sulawesi for two years, has begun to face unexpected opposition this month to propose the construction of a larger worship building, sources said.
The church’s construction director said that Toraya Christian Church, Ranraki Church, in Paccerakkang village, has been worshipped for two years in its members’ modest homes and applied for construction permits in May to accommodate the building’s growth. Committee, Makisuwata.
Makis said he doesn’t understand the opposition party showing the banner that appeared at a local police housing complex in nearby Makasar on February 4th. The construction of church and religious activities in our area forever and ever. ”
Makis said the church had worshipped for two years without objections or protests in a temporary location in the village of Bilinganaya district in the capital of Makasar’s province.
“Initially, it was part of the congregation’s home. Makis told Morningstar News. “We’re really linking Amiavery Amiaver with our nearby neighbor.”
The church application for a church building permit in the vacant area leading to the Makasar City Police Housing Area in Pakkakkan began without issue in May. Locals supported the church’s building plans and only asked about the installation of street lights on a stretch 300 metres from the completed main road, she said.
“I have to say, everything went well,” Makis said. “I felt God’s extraordinary intervention in every paperwork.”
Banners against the construction of the church were featured on February 4th at 7:30am by unidentified people, and local residents who reportedly fell over later that day were not caught up in the facility. That was it.
Ian Hidayat of the Makasar branch of the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation told the IDN Times in South Sulawesi that the banner could cause hate speech and interfaith conflicts.
“This discriminatory behavior cannot be tolerated and serious attention should be paid by law enforcement officials,” Hidayat said. “There should be no bans or restrictions on certain groups. It’s clear that the banner is hate speech to certain beliefs.”
The head of Biringkanaya, one name, Juliaman, told that the banner violates the Indonesian constitution’s guarantee of religious freedom and that opposition to the construction of the church is unacceptable.
He said that residents of different religious communities should prioritize mutual respect.
“We hope that all stakeholders will work together to create a safe situation in their respective environments and work with all stakeholders to maintain it,” Julian said.
Makis said that the Inter-People Cooperation Forum (Kerja Sama Umat Beragama, or FKUB), an ad hoc religious forum and various officials inspected the location of the future church the day after the flag opposed. Ta.
“FKUB officials were also surprised. “Why was there a protest? After all, it was a four-storey police dorm building at the end of the road, a house close to about 300 meters from the main road. It’s empty and spacious,” she said. I want to release his name.
FKUB officials said his team would make another field visit and mediate between the church and the enemy, she said.
Pastor Nikki Wackery (Geleja Protestant di Indonesia, GPDI, Indonesia) of Pentecostal Church in Indonesia was banned from holding Christmas services at his home in Sibinon, West Java last year, and the country was founded in Ranraki. He appealed to the congregation to maintain his faith regardless of the outcome. .
“The congregations must remain immovable because they must remain immovable in their faith and support each other,” Pastor Nicky said. “At the same time, congregations must learn more about the social life of the surrounding communities, which will allow them to build better relationships with the government and the community.”
Chair of the Setarra Institute for Democracy and Peace, go by a single name, Henderdy issues related to the prohibition of worship, intolerance and religious freedom violations are prioritized for President Prabowo Suviant’s new administration It doesn’t seem to be an issue. He took office on October 20th.
According to the Joshua Project, the majority of Indonesian Muslims identified as Christians is estimated to be 11.43%, while the evangelical population is estimated to be 3.23%.
Indonesian society adopts a more conservative Islamic character, and churches involved in evangelical outreach risk being targeted by Islamic extremist groups, according to the 2024 World Watch List Report .