According to the internal reports obtained by Wall Street Journal, Facebook, the parent company of Instagram, acknowledges how harmful the photo share apps for Teen Girls are.
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For the past three years, after studying the impact of teenager users on mental health apps, 32 % of teenagers who “feel sick about their body” worsened by Instagram. Is discovered. In a study on teenage young people in the United States and the United Kingdom, Facebook found that more than 40 % of Instagram users who reported that they were “not attractive” had begun with social media apps. 。
“I didn’t like the time spent on the app, but I felt that I had to exist,” said Instagram’s investigation manager. “They often feel” addicted, “and know that they feel bad for their mental health, but can’t stop themselves. “
Destinee Ramos (17 years old) is the only way that Instagram adds to his friends what he is doing, and is leaned to call obsessions. I said.
After reading the WSJ Report, Delectopson, the Atlantic writer, described the social media as “caution alcohol.”
“It has some useful qualities, but it’s not natural,” he wrote. “Many (people) use it frequently, loves it, and basically is OK, but many people abuse it and have an unhealthy urge. It’s functionally functional. It is a suppression person.
As in alcohol abuse, the compulsive use of teenager Instagram has caused a major problem.
One slide summarized the investigation states that Instagram has “worsened the problem of body image for one in three teenagers.” The internal data also revealed that “teenage young people blame anxiety and the proportion of depression.” The author of the investigation explains that “it has not been advertised in all groups and is consistent.”
In a blog post published in accordance with the survey, Instagram stated that the story of the WSJ was “focusing on a limited series of surveys and cast them from a negative point of view.” Nevertheless, the company has supported research, saying, “It shows our commitments to understand complicated and difficult problems that can struggle for young people.”
“The research on social media on the happiness of people is mixed, and our own research reflects external research,” he reads. “Social media is not essentially good for people. Many people find it useful on one day, and the next day has problems. The most important thing is people social media. How to use it and the state of the mind when using it.
As a Christian, we know that we can’t get anything to play a comparison game.
The apostle Paul opposed it in his letter to the Galatians, when he wrote it. Or am I trying to please people? If I was still trying to please the people, I wouldn’t be the best of Christ. “
Our confidence and self -esteem ultimately disappoint us. The Bible says, “The charm is deceived, and the beauty is in a break, but women who fear the Lord are praised.” (Pro 31:30). Our self -confidence must be a product of God’s fulfillment in our lives. In the second letter to the Corinth, Paul wrote that he had asked God to take away the thorns of my meat. My power is perfect with weakness. Therefore, I will be more happy to boast more about my weaknesses. That way, the power of Christ may be applied to me (Corini 2 12: 7-9).
We are the only person who can provide us true satisfaction and satisfaction, regardless of how other people’s lives look or truly edited. is. The poetry author wrote that God had formed my inward part. You knit me together in my mother’s uterus. I praise you, I am terribly and wonderfully made. “(Psalm 139: 13).
In the Old Testament, God told Samuel to “do not consider the appearance,” because God “I don’t see what people are watching.” “People are looking at the appearance … the Lord is looking at their hearts (1 Samuel 16: 7).
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