March 1st, 2025, 6am mst
“The Treasure of Truth” – That is M. Nelson, then elder of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles, known as the Faith Article in 2004.
Talking about the subject of religious roots, he testified to the truth found on March 1, 1842 in 13 belief statements first printed in the era and seasons.
This timeless document began when Joseph Smith wrote a letter to John Wentworth, editor of the Chicago Democratic Newspaper, in response to a request for information on Latter-day Saint doctrine and history. The Prophet’s Letter of Wentworth contained a brief history of the Church, which ended with what was later known as a Faith Article.
In his letter, Joseph declared, “The truth of God is bold, noble and independent.”
Today, it marks 183 years since these simple yet profound statements were first published.
Now, President Nelson said as President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to add witnesses to Joseph Smith’s 1842 declaration.
1. Godhead
We believe in God, the eternal Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
– Faith Article 1:1
“Our heavenly Father and his beloved son, Jesus Christ, are ready to bless you. It is my promise that they will not abandon you. When life feels difficult or impossible, remember what you have promised in the Bible. Through Christ, you can do everything!”
—Social Media Post, October 2023
2. Agents and Accountability
We believe that men will be punished for their sins, not for Adam’s violations.
– Faith Article 1:2
“Repentance is the key to avoiding the misery given by the trap of our enemy. The Lord does not expect perfection from us at this point in our eternal progression. However, he expects us to become more and more pure. Daily repentance is the path to purity, and purity brings power. Personal purity can make us a powerful tool in the hands of God.”
– “We can do better and get better” April 2019 General Meeting
3. Christ’s tone sin
We believe that through Christ’s tone sin, all humanity may be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel.
– Faith Article 1:3
“Without our Savior’s infinite tone sin, none of us wanted to return to our heavenly Father. Without his resurrection, death would be over. Our Savior’s tone sin has made eternal life possible and immortal to all.”
– “Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Life,” April 2018 General Meeting
4. Gospel Principles
We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: First, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Secondly, repent. Third, immersive baptism for the remission of sin. Fourth, place your hands for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
– Faith Article 1:4
“When you and I enter that path, we have a new way of life. By doing so we create a relationship with God, allowing God to bless us and change us. The path of the covenant will bring us back to him. If we win God in our lives, that covenant will bring us closer to him. All covenants are intended to be binding. They create a relationship with eternal bonds.”
– “The Eternal Contract”, Liahona, October 2022

5. I called God
We believe that humans must be called by God by prophecy and by prophecy, by placing their hands by people of authority, to preach the gospel and administer it by its ordinance.
– Faith Article 1:5
“There is no mystery as to who was called to serve in that capacity when the president of the Church died. There is no election or campaign, but there is only the quiet work of God’s plan of succession. It is set up by the Lord Himself.”
– President Nelson’s first public speech as church president in January 2018
6. Church Organization
We believe in the same organizations that existed in the primitive church: apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, etc.
– Faith Article 1:6
“This is the Church, the Lord Jesus Christ, appoints the prophets and angels to convey his love and teach His law. …That is precisely because we care deeply about all the children of God who declare the truth of God. We do not always tell people what we want to hear. Prophets are rarely popular. But we always teach the truth.”
– “God’s Love and Law,” Brigham Young University Prayer, September 2019
7. Spiritual gift
We believe in gifts such as tongue, prophecy, revelation, vision, healing, and tongue interpretation.
– Faith Article 1:7
“I pray that I will pray with all hope in my heart to understand your spiritual gifts. You will change the world as you do.”
– October 2018, Social Media Post
8. Bible
We believe that as long as the Bible is translated correctly, it is God’s Word. I also believe that the Book of Mormon is the Word of God.
– Faith Article 1:8
“As a fellow Bible, the Book of Mormon testifies that all humans are the sons and daughters of the loving Father in heaven, and that he has God’s plan for our lives, and that his son, Jesus Christ, speaks not only today but also of the past.
– “Restoring the perfection of the gospel of Jesus Christ: Declaration of the Twentieth Anniversary to the World,” April 2020

9. revelation
We believe in everything God has revealed, and we believe that everything God is revealing now will still reveal many great and important things related to His kingdom.
– Faith Article 1:9
“One of the things that the Spirit has repeatedly impressed me in my heart, as my new calling as President of the Church is that the Lord is pleased to reveal his heart and will. The privilege of receiving revelation is one of God’s greatest gifts to his children. Through the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, the Lord helps us in all our pursuit of justice.”
– “Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Life,” April 2018 General Meeting
10. Israeli gathering
We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and the restoration of ten tribes. Zion (New Jerusalem) was built in the Americas. That Christ personally reigns on earth. And the earth is renewed and receives its subcomplexing glory.
– Faith Article 1:10
“While coming to Japan, Jesus Christ will return to Earth as the Messiah of Millennials. So today I call you to rededicate your life to Jesus Christ. I call you to gather the scattered Israel and prepare the world for His Second Coming. I call you to speak to you about Christ, to testify to Christ, to faith in Christ, to rejoice in Christ.”
– “The Lord Jesus Christ Comes Again” October 2024 General Meeting
11. Religious tolerance
We assert the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the direction of our own conscience, and we allow all to grant the same privilege, and make them worship how, where, where.
– Faith Article 1:11
“The difference in doctrine is reality. They are important. But they are not as important as what we have in common: our concerns about human suffering, the importance of religious freedom for all our society, and the importance of building a bridge of friendship instead of building a wall of separation.”
– March 2019, between President Nelson and Pope Francis at the Vatican
12. Follow the law
We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers and magistrates, obeying the law, respecting and maintaining.
– Faith Article 1:12
“In all countries, this church teaches its members to honor, obey and maintain the law. We teach the importance of our families, to be good parents and to be exemplary citizens.”
– “Progress in Faith”, April 2020 General Meeting

13. Become like Christ
We believe in being honest, truthful, chastity, merciful, integrity, doing good for all men. Certainly, we might say we follow Paul’s advice. We believe in everything, we want everything, we want many things, we want to endure all things. If there is something integral, nice or good reporting or admiration, we pursue these things.
– Faith Article 1:13
“Today, I ask us to interact with others in a higher and sacred way. Listen carefully. “About others – whether behind his face or behind her, if there is something noble, nice, or good reporting, or something worthy of praise, that we can say about others.”
– “Peace Maker Needs”, April 2023 General Meeting