February 20th, 2025, 4:27pm
When speaking to the young people in the church, Latter-day Saints’ leaders repeatedly pointed out the “great work” that God reserves for them.
“My dear, extraordinary young man, you were sent to Earth at this exact time, the most important time in the history of the world, to gather Israel,” President Russell M. Nelson said 2018. I spoke to a young man at the church in 2019. “This is the mission you were sent to Earth. ”
It is difficult for parents and church members to find ways to support young people in fulfilling this sacredly appointed mission. However, in a recent interview with The Church News, Laura Padilla-Walker, dean of family, home and social sciences at Brigham Young University, spoke from the background of her research, with parents and church members prospering young people. We shared ways that we can help them achieve their roles in the work of the Lord.
“These are amazing spirits, amazing young people, with the right support and autonomy, do exactly what they need.
Promotes the growth environment
Padilla-Walker has dedicated much of her research to study the role of parenting and media influence in adolescents and young adults, and thus parents tend to focus their efforts on protecting teens from trouble I pointed out that there is.
“As parents and mentors, we hold our breath and hope that the young people don’t get into trouble, otherwise we will give a big sigh.
Although such trends are understandable, Padilla Walker explains, fostering an environment where young people can thrive will require more than avoiding problematic behavior. Reinforcing positive things also requires conscious and consistent effort.

“If we ignore the good, we tell them that the kids shouldn’t, but they wouldn’t replace it with what they should,” says Padilla Walker and graduate student Maddie. Mett wrote in their research summary.
According to their research, reinforcing positive behavior is essential to replacing it with negativity and protecting it.
Padilla-Walker recognises the role of parents and church members and says, “It is my testimony to see miracles if it helps to provide a foothold and build a relationship with the Savior.”

Maintain a relationship
But what does that scaffold look like?
According to Padilla-Walker, one of the most important things parents can do is “keep the relationship.”
She said, “The only way they can share with you what they’re doing is if you have a good relationship with them.”
Padilla-Walker does not mean to be tolerant to maintain a relationship, but rather to understand when mistakes are made, avoid dominant approaches, avoid punitive approaches, and withhold judgment. I explained that it means what it means.

“Every time they talk to you, if you point out a flaw… (or) what they can do better, it starts to feel like an interaction they like to avoid.” she said.
Acknowledging the natural concern parents feel about their children and their decisions, Padilla Walker said, “Agencies are a very important principle and we need to allow children to learn.” I added.
According to a study by Padilla-Walker’s, the more parents are taught, the more they are able to make decisions for themselves and recognize the positive things they are doing, the more they choose their parents and support them. You will feel confident in the ability you seek.
We cultivate purpose and belong through services
Another item parents can focus on helping teens thrive is giving them the opportunity to serve in their homes and in their communities, Padilla Walker said.
“Serving is one of the central ways we can belong,” she said, adding, “Our young people need to find their belongings in particular.”
According to Padilla-Walker, opportunities for service can range from temple work to vacuuming inside the house. These opportunities are not a treatment for serious mental health challenges, but each can promote self-worth and a sense of belonging that can protect young people from negative consequences.
“When young people serve, they learn that they are precious and that they are necessary,” she said. I have it. “
Padilla-Walker recommended it to JustServe.org as a tool for parents and young people to find a variety of local service opportunities. She feels that as young people engage in service, they grow in their ability to serve and connect with themselves and others, and therefore to fulfill their role in the work of the Lord. He said it would prosper.