Louis Armando Albino only reunited with his family 70 years later thanks to Nie’s determination, 63 years old, and was six years old when a woman accused him of the 1951 California park. did.
Albino, now a retired firefighter, grandfather and Marine veteran, has been missing for over 70 years, but his family has not forgotten him. The man’s relatives held his photo and although his mother died in 2005 before he could see him again, she never lost hope that her son was still alive.
As Mercury News reported Friday, Alida Alequin is 63-year-old nie, a retired firefighter. Alekin began to suspect her uncle was alive in 2020 after taking an online DNA test “just for fun.” This test showed she played 22% of the matches with the man who was found to be her uncle.
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According to an article in the 1966 Oakland Tribune, Alekin’s uncle went missing in February 1951. The woman spoke Spanish to a 6-year-old Puerto Rican-born boy and invited him to her car by promising to buy candy.
According to Mercury News, after luring the boy out of the park, the woman flew him to the east coast, where he cared for the couple who raised him as if he were his own. Investigators interviewed Albino’s brother Roger, who witnessed abduction several times after the boy’s loss, but the older brother can only tell him that a woman wearing a bandana had taken the brothers. did.
Flash in 2024. In 2024, Alekin and her daughters continued to search for their missing relatives. On a visit to the Auckland Public Library, albino nie looked into microfilms of old Auckland Tribune articles reporting the lure. One of the articles featured photos of her uncle and his brother Roger, and Alekin went to the Auckland police with this information.
After receiving the new lead, investigators opened a new missing person case. The missing person’s case has been closed as albino was found, but police and the FBI believe they are still entitling open investigations.
On June 20, investigators discovered their missing relatives on the East Coast after the two brothers conducted DNA tests revealing the match, and then reported that Aleaching and her mother, Albino I informed my sister. A few days later, the FBI arranged for Albino to visit Auckland and meet his family.
“In my mind I knew it was him, and when I got the confirmation, I gave a big ‘Yes!”,” Alekin said.
“I didn’t start crying until the investigators left,” she added. “I grabbed my mother’s hand and said, ‘We’ve found him.’ I was excited. ”
Arepine’s efforts to find her uncle “played an integral role” in finding him, adding, “The outcome of this story is what we are trying to do,” according to Auckland police. Ta. According to Mercury News, when Albino saw his nie, the man hugged her, “Thank you for finding me,” and kissed her on the cheek.
During a visit with her new uncle, Alekin took him and her mother to the home of Albino’s brother Roger in Stanislaus County, California. Recalling the visit, Alekin said the two brothers “grabbed each other and gave us a really tight, long hug.”
“They just sat down and talked,” Alekin pointed out. Her uncle returned to the East Coast, but returned to California in July for a three-week visit. In August, Albino’s brother passed away, but Alekin believes he died “happily.”
“He was in peace with himself knowing that his brother was found,” she said. “I was so happy to do this for him and bring him closure and peace.”
According to his nie, albino doesn’t want to talk to the media at this time. As for his memory of Aidation, Albino was vaguely invited and taken all over the country, but the adults in his life never explained the situation to him.
Samantha Kanman is a reporter for the Christian Post. She can contact samantha.kamman@christianpost.com. Follow her on Twitter: @samantha_kamman