The “torn” abs are one, but the relationship between the torn family and friends is different. The remaining, they have a very painful emotional, mental and mental sacrifice in our lives. Who comes to mind when you read these words?
Remember the way Paul told the Filipia believer to petition to the two wonderful women, Ewodia and Senjeeche. How do you want to remember through history as a girl of these two quarrels? We do not remember this by our family and friends, such as “dying on ourselves” or walking humbly (we will obey the mat 18: 15-16), or by family and friends. God.
Start strongly
Everyone likes a new start. A new beginning. An opportunity to put some things behind us and take the path to success. In recent elections, there is an optimistic air, so let’s talk to it for unity and the new future.
You don’t have to keep watching the back mirror or stay stuck. Pivot may not be easy, but we pay a rich dividend!
Like all of us, the apostle made mistakes and experienced related conflicts with people (Peter, Barnaba, etc.), but not solved the lift and was positive, not bothered by regrets. By reminding him, he showed his maturity and personality.
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“I forgot what behind me, and I’m nervous towards what’s ahead, so I push it towards my goal to win the award that I won me to Christ Jesus. , All mature we should look at such things (Phil 3: 13B – 15A, NIV).
The spirit of accusations has been released from hell, and for many years, the relationship has divided for many years to divide to churches, couples, families, and friends, causing trauma to trauma (especially our children and young people). Let’s change it.
At John 17, Jesus prayed for us before the cross sentence. In other words, if the world does not see love and unity among the people of the god, Jesus gives them the right to doubt if they have come from God. Shocking but plain.
On New Year’s Eve around the world, friends and families gather and traditionally tweet the Scottish songs in 1788: Whether an old acquaintance should be forgotten, we need to remember the long -standing relationship again. is. Once upon a time? “”
When we say goodbye in the past, we must be careful not to stick to past problems that separate us, but to be kind. “Opportunities, forgotten, don’t think about it. The flame of love has disappeared, your heart has become cold, can you never reflect the day?”
Starting with a fresh New Year, we all give the opportunity to humble themselves in front of God and each other, look back on the unfair forgiveness and mercy given to us, and Jesus is a mountain sermon. I will be taught. Here, he told us to come in front of his existence, set up our gifts, and first reconcile with the person with a crime. He also stated that if we did not allow other people (70 times), the heavenly father would not allow us (see Mat 18: 21-23, 6: 14-15).
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Let’s engage in the spiritual discipline of reconciliation.
At the moment, all discipline seems to be painful but painful, but it will later a peaceful fruit to the trained people. … For peace with everyone, and for the sacredness that no one can see the Lord without it. See that no one can get the blessings of God. The “root of bitterness” is born, causing problems, causing trouble, and polluting many people “(HEB. 12: 11-17, ESV).
10 Bible procedures to recover the relationship
Confirm that reconciliation is not a elective subject but an order (Mata 5: 23-24). We refuse passion and act intentionally to prevent “our brothers’ accusations” (Rev. 12: 10B, NKJV). “Listen, talk slowly, slow anger,” (James 1: 19B, ESV), act in a respectful GOD way. Being a spirit of accusation, coming with the spirit of accusation, respecting the honorary procedures that “the first person who presented his lawsuit seem right and seemed to be right until he examined him.” Advertising 18:17). The purpose is to benefit from doubt, avoid inflammatory categorical statements that contradict charitable conversations, and love with love (1 Corinin). We all remember that we were all sinners saved by grace, and resist all pride in the dialogue (Jer. 17: 9-10). He personally meets Jesus’ instructions personally, treats obvious sinful acts, thereby avoiding gossip and slander (Mata 18:15). After a thorough interaction, if you are in a stall, you will be humble to seek mature Bible advice to solve the dispute according to Jesus’ instructions (Mata 18: 15-16). 。 In the restoration of the relationship, we intentionally extend mercy to others and distinguish between the isolated incident and the ongoing behavior pattern (James 2:13). Celebrate the diversity given by the god in the Christian community, recognize various preferences, personality, and positions in the gray area, recognize conflict problems, and refuse to be a source of division (). Rome 14).
There is a contract here. The New Year has begun. This is an opportunity to start with a new freedom, as we have set a new freedom to unite and unite to the glory of God. My family and I are honestly acknowledged that they are in shortage in the past year, but we are moving forward to praise God through repentance and reconciliation efforts.
“See how good the brothers unite and live together and how fun!
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Larry Tomczak is a 10 -book best -selling writer, a 50 -year -old cultural commentator, an interquesole for members of the United States, and a public policy adviser for Liberty Advisors. Go to and watch 30 surprising, short, short on -demand videos by American top leaders. That way, you can confidently deal with today’s harsh problems.