The former Congressional candidate and campaign manager showed that sympathy, empathy and truth should be the gold standard.
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Christian founder and president Bunni Pound said CBN News Christians should always remember Jesus’ call, even when it comes to navigating politics.
“The first commandment is to love Jesus with all our hearts, souls, hearts and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves,” she said. “Even if we engage in politics and government, we will not stop being a follower of Christ.”
Pond said she might scoff at the political realm she has worked personally for quite some time, or worry about entering the political realm, but she also took a consistent prayer walk and with Jesus. It noted that the relationship can help Christians “see the big impact” in such fields.
Pound isn’t just talking about it either. She has been doing this walk consistently. When she ran for Texas’ 5th Congressional District in 2018, she found herself in a precarious place.
“I lost the race with 2,700 out of 43,000 votes,” she said. “It was really close. But my opponents were, during the Republican outbreak, his consultant came up with all his bills. So, if you could imagine – his TV, his email, All of his radio ads, his consulting fees weren’t charged.”
Pound said she was kicking him out despite her loss to Rep. Lance Gooden (R-Texas). And the inability to win within her well-managed campaign has made her frustrating.
“When I finished the campaign, I paid off all my bills and couldn’t win,” Pound said. “So that injustice was digging into my heart. Well, a year later, I would say that the Lord had said, “If you don’t do something dramatic to affect your heart, you won’t get over this. I heard him say, “I’m not going to do it.” ”
She knew she had to listen to God’s promptings.
“I called (the previous opponent) and had lunch with him and asked if I could help him pay back the remaining 50,000 debts he had from our outflow. “And we had a huge party, and I raised funds for it, and we all paid it. All of our campaign staff, all of our consultants – we all He built up crime, bitterness, and mercy at Jesus’ feet, and walked completely free.
Now Gooden and Pond are friends and she says he has become the first members of the Congress in favour of her latest book, “Jesus and Politics: A Walk with God in a Muddy Profession.”
“I think I am a testament to God’s grace,” she said.
And the pounds aren’t stopped there. After moving from political consulting to full-time ministry, she found herself encouraging Christians to pray for elected officials “regardless of party.” And she had strange dreams, which made her take action.
“I had this dream that I was standing in front of (at the time) Rep. Beto O’Rourke said that God loved him, loved his family, saw the heart of his servants to people, and he said that he would have him I’m saying I want to know more,” Pound said. “Well, you know, I came from Republican persuasion, right? That’s where I consulted all of the things, and he wasn’t.”
Three months later, Pond met O’Rork, who was running for the governor of Texas.
“I’ll tell you this. I never felt God as I did when I prayed… Beto O’Rourke that day,” she said of her encounter with the Democrats. Ta. “And then we started texting, we became friends, and… I don’t know how deeply it affected him, but I tell you, it changed my life. ”
While committing to telling the truth and living, Pond finds himself learning an important lesson about not demonizing others or creating “caricatures.” Ultimately, she said that Christians must find a way to direct people towards Jesus.
And this is what the current pound is doing now through Christian organizations, a group that equips Christian voters and encourages them to have faith in polls. Find out more about her journey in “Jesus and Politics: A Walk of a Woman with God in a Muddy Profession.”
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