In the European Union (January 31), the European Union’s (EU) representative said that Pakistan’s priority trade status was the controversy of the controversy, forced marriage of a minority girl. If you do not deal with human rights concerns, including freedom of religion, you may be dangerous.
A representative, led by the EU Special National Team of Human Rights OLOF SKOOG, warned at a press conference that Pakistan should not be considered as a matter of course with its generalized scheme. The delegation pointed out that the benefits of Pakistan’s trade rely on progress in dealing with human rights, including freedom of expression.
“When approaching the middle period of the current monitoring cycle, Pakistan encourages Pakistan to continue the reform route in order to re -apply under new GSP+regulations,” said the EU representative. 。 “Trade benefits under GSP+are still indispensable to depend on the progress of dealing with the list of human rights, including human rights.”
Pakistan is an important partner in the EU in South Asia, and the relationship with blocks has been built based on the shared value of democracy, human rights, and law dominance led by the United Nations Charter and the United Nations. Ta.
“The EU welcomed the fact that Pakistan has become the largest beneficiary of GSP+, and Pakistan companies have increased exports to the EU market by 108 % since the launch of the trade scheme in 2014.” I mentioned.
The EU is the second largest trading partner in Pakistan, and the GSP+status has now enjoyed tax exemption or minimum duty for European exports. However, this scheme requires a country that shows specific progress in conducting 27 international customs related to human rights, environmental protection, climate change, and excellent governance.
According to a press conference, the EU mission to Pakistan for a week prior to the major GSP+surveillance mission in June is to help the country involved in the most imminent human rights and working rights issues. The aim was to discuss Pakistan’s plan, including continuous evaluation under the GSP+trade scheme.
The delegation includes Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishak Dar, Foreign Affairs of the Army, Prime Minister Asim Mnil, Prime Minister Asim Munir, Legal, Human Rights, Asam Nazil Tara, Federal Minister Jam Camal, and Foreign Affairs of Foreign Aid. I met a senior official. 。 At those conferences, SKOOG is the law of Advisor ASP, the rights of women, forced marriage and converted, enforced losing and expression, religion or beliefs, independence of media, the right to infringement of rights, the right of fair trials, He emphasized the application of the rights of citizen space and was sentenced to death.
A meeting with the Supreme Court of Pakistan Yahiya Afridi focused on the right logs and the judiciary’s honesty and independence.
Through the visit of SKOOG, the special messenger has added a statement that it emphasized the need to maintain independence, acknowledging the important role of the National Human Rights Committee (NCHR).
“In the context of future GSPs+monitoring missions, the special envoy encouraged Pakistan authorities to secure all related international treaties,” said the EU representative.
Sukogu also visited Laahor, who met Mariam Nawaz Sharif in Punjab and the representatives of the Saldal Lamesh Shin Alora, Christian and Afumadi community. Discussions focusing on freedom of religion or beliefs, protection of minority rights, and accountability for human rights and abuse.
However, none of the four Christians of the Panjab Congress had been invited to a meeting with the visit to the EU Representative.
“Pakistani’s EU Mission and Pakistan did not inform us about the visit of the delegation,” said Christians, who were afraid of rebound and demanded anonymous. “We don’t even know which Christian representative has been chosen to meet the Scog ambassador. The government advertises the official story” Everything is going well “and presenting a real picture. It is clear that we have carefully selected those who are refraining from. “
The lawmaker said that he had told the EU mission to reserve, and wanted to arrange a meeting with the delegation before the visit.
Skoog, who talked to a journalist in Islamabad, the Federal capital on Wednesday (January 29), emphasized the EU commitment to democracy, human rights, and international humanity law.
“Pakistan has a continuous debate about freedom of expression and the freedom of the media,” said Scoggog.
He uses his mission to promote direct involvement with the country, go beyond standard formal dialogue, and do not have a dedicated human rights dialogue at his level. I added that I wanted to deal with.
As SKOOG has detailed, the EU’s GSP+framework functions as a powerful platform for human rights, and Pakistan is a major beneficiary.
“GSP+is a significant economic background, promoting Pakistan, becoming the largest export market in the EU, and exceeding both China and the United States,” Ambassador said.
He emphasized the economic impact of nearly $ 1 billion in tariff exemption, which emphasizes the importance of Pakistan’s economy. The GSP+framework requires a compliance with international human rights obligations, which covers more human rights issues beyond working conditions and child labor.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Shafqat Ali Khan acknowledged the EU at a weekly press conference on Thursday (January 30).
“GSP+status is just one aspect of PAK-EU partnership,” Khan said. “The visit of the EU’s special envoy is also a part of everyday life.”
Pakistan was awarded GSP+status on January 1, 2014, after ratification of 27 international customs and promising to implement them. EU GSP+functions as a special incentive agreement to promote trade and promote excellent governance and sustainable development. This incentive gives the Pakistan’s zero rating or priority function to nearly 66 % of the tariff routes, enhancing the power of exports to the EU market.
GSP+has been proved to be extremely important for EU-PAKISTAN’s two-country trade relationship. From 2014 to 2022, Pakistan’s exports to the EU increased by 108 %, but imports from the EU increased by 65 %, and total trade volume increased from 8.3 billion euros in 2013 to 148.5 billion euros. According to the EU website, Pakistani clothing, bed linen, bed linen, terrace, socks, leather, leather, sports, and similar products enter the EU market using GSP+Concession.