Over the past decade, the term “new apostolic reform” has become a buzzword, especially in Christian circles, and has often been used as a light-journ label by left-leaning reporters, theologians, sect leaders and sacred ministries in several Parachurch ministries. Originally coined by Dr. Peter Wagner, this term was coined to describe the global movement of independent charismatic churches that embrace apostolic leaders, and is often misapplied to many leaders, movements and ideologies.
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10 general myths about NAR
Everyone who uses the term “amateur” is part of the NAR. One of the biggest mistakes is that those who accept the term “amateur” or lead the church network are automatically part of the NAR. However, the Bible clearly defines the Ministry of the Acts (Ephesians 4:11) and has existed for two thousand years. Throughout the history of the church, leaders have recognized apostolic functions without joining the extreme caricatures associated with the NAR. The term “Apostle” refers to a biblical pattern of leadership and mission, not a focused movement. Furthermore, the bishop’s office became a term used in the second century by most Christian movements to describe apostolic succession. Therefore, although they normally did not use the term “apostle,” they still believed in apostolic ministry and never denied the five ministry of the Western and Eastern Churches. The NAR is a sectarian, organized global movement. NAR critics often present it as a structured, hierarchical organization with unified doctrine and leadership. In reality, there is no central governing body, no universal statement of faith, nor formal organizational structures that unite so-called NAR leaders. Some apostolic networks exist, but they usually function independently and do not have the idiosyncratic authority to manage them. USCAL has authority over all those considered NAR in the United States. Some online critics have falsely argued that the coalition of American apostolic leaders, founded in 2013, is the NAR hub. (I left it off from leading it in January 2023.) This claim is false. First, USCAL was intentionally constructed as a horizontal association rather than an authoritarian vertical organization. We have not adhered to some of the extreme features of the NAR, and even opposed them. Many national leaders commonly associated with the NAR were not part of the USCAL, so I have no personal relationships with most of them. Therefore, if a person related to the so-called NAR is caught up in a controversy, heresy, or scandal, Uskar has no church authority to discipline or remove them from the ministry. The only church authorities USCAL has is to remove someone from its membership rank. NAR is a new movement originating from the United States. Many assume that NAR is an American export, but its roots date back to the independent church movements of Africa and Asia in the early 20th century. Wagner said the apostolic movement gained great traction in the global South, and that indigenous leaders established self-government, independent churches outside the Western sectarian structure. Today, many of the fastest growing apostolic movements exist in Latin America, Africa and Asia, demonstrating the global nature of the NAR. All of the so-called apostles seek to exert authority over pastors and church leaders. As stated in the New Testament, apostolic leadership is not about hierarchical control, but about servant leadership and spiritual fathers. While some may abuse the title, most apostolic leaders I know are active with humility and heart. Instead of demanding obedience from the pastor, they instead strive to equip and empower local churches. Just like the early churches, today’s true apostolic leaders function relationally rather than as authoritarian rulers. NAR promotes Dominionism and political takeovers. One of the most exaggerated myths is that the so-called NAR movement is trying to take over government and establish theocratic politics. While some individuals in the broader charismatic world may unfortunately use the term “Dominion” to describe cultural influence, mainstream global movements are moving away from advocating for illegal political takeovers. (In democracy, they have as many rights as all other citizens. They encourage them to defend their values, and to vote and promote candidates and political parties for their choice.) However, the cultural influence that is tailored to the Bible is to reach everyone in all areas of society through love, service and moral influence. The Great Committee (Matthew 28:18-20) calls on the church to focus on discipleship rather than seizing political power. The apostolic leader teaches biblical revelation. Some critics argue that they believe that all nar apostles will receive a new and authoritative revelation comparable to the Bible. Prophetic insights are Bible reality, but responsible apostolic leaders confirm the superiority of the Bible and test all prophetic words against God’s Word. Those who teach doctrines that contradict the Bible operate outside the apostle parameters of the Bible. The NAR promotes the gospel agenda of prosperity. Some well-known leaders associated with the NAR emphasize the theology of prosperity, but this is not a doctrine unique to this type of ministry. Many apostolic leaders defend Bible management, generosity and economic empowerment without promoting the excesses of the gospel of prosperity. The assumption that all apostolic leaders are driven by materialism is generalisation and cannot bear under scrutiny. (China, Indonesia, India, Iran, and many other parts of the world who do not live in the environment to exploit material prosperity, there are many persecuted apostolic leaders.) All megachurch pastors or charismatic leaders are part of the NAR. Some critics bring together famous megachurch pastors, prophets and charismatic leaders under the NAR umbrella. However, many of these leaders do not consider themselves part of the NAR and do not adhere to the core ideas that arise from it. For example, pastors who believe in continuing spiritual gifts or accepting the structure of the New Testament church are often misunderstood as NAR if they do not have a formal or ideological connection to the movement. The NAR represents the greatest threat to the church today. Although some apostolic networks exist, errors and abuse do not constitute the greatest danger to the church. More imminent threats include biblical illiteracy, secularism, moral compromise, and a diminished evangelical sermon. NAR leaders actively evangelize, plant churches and make disciples, so they have many false traits and targets. Disagreements about the governance of the church and the philosophy of the ministry should not be distracted from the true spiritual struggle of the church today.
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