The story of Jesus’ birth is that the Bible is more than 2,000 years, as the Bible describes his son’s decision to die for human sin and live again. Has been fascinated.
From the loan to the cross, the journey shaped and molded all aspects of human history. One of the most convincing reality surrounding the birth of the birth of Christ is that the birth of Jesus was predicted long before the foliage leaf.
In fact, the promised Messiah is mentioned throughout the Bible, describing his concrete details, including his birth in Bethlehem, hundreds of years before Angels visited Zekariya, Mary and Joseph.
CBN News explores this reality with a new four -part holiday podcast “Jesus and Christmas Protein”. This deeply dies into the incredible prophecy at the center of the Manager Story. Each episode focuses on different prophecy puzzles surrounding the birth of Jesus.
The first episode of “Jesus and Christmas Prophecy” -King & Country’s Joel Smallbone, Greg Laurie, Jeff Kinry, Ray Comfort, Jesse Bradley, Shane Idolman -the role of the Bible prophet And the power, exploring the role and power of Jesus, the Old Testament, and why the baby’s baby’s baby promised God for mankind?
Listen to this powerful first episode:
Smallbone opens a show by declaring that it is fascinated by the reality that God is the most vulnerable, like a baby.
“God is under JE and all of the magnificence,” I intend to come to this small, alive, … I … made with my image that I want to provide hope and healing. There are a variety of kinds of this kind of kind, “he said. “And I just think it has all the layers of an incredible story, but … I believe it happened to be a true story.
Kinry, a prophecy expert, points out that the Christmas story is said to be “with great emotions.” For him, the most persuasive part is the creator’s decision to show such a sacrificial love for his creation.
“Here, the creators of the world will become creators. If so,” he said. “He is a god, 100 % god, 100 % of him, but he still obed his creation.”
Kinry continued. “He was born in the world he created. He was probably lying on the straw created by him. Everything he made was submitted to him.”
This idea that Jesus concentrated on the creation is attractive. And one of the most prominent aspects of the birth of Christ is evidence that supports this claim.
“If someone wants evidence to be trusted, if the Bible is the word of God, only God knows the future, so it takes a little time to study prophecy. The apology, Ray Comfort, stated in “The Protein of Jesus and Christmas.” “We know tomorrow’s forecasts. There is no clue. They just stab, but God’s words predict the future before it exists, and the Bible as a whole (his) god. The prophecy is great.
Eventually, Kinry, comfort, and other theology and pastor believe that the Bible’s prophecy (defined as a future prediction) is truth and verified.
It is the faint people of the birth of Jesus in the Old Testament, a few hundred years ago, the story of the birth of Christ. They believe they provide the most obvious evidence of the Bible.
Listen to the Episode 1 of Christmas “Jesus and Protein” and tune it tomorrow on December 14 (subscribe here) for the next article. By God and Angel.
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