After a week of evidence, the worst fear of the so -called “dead” bill was realized.
The “scrutiny” of the bill that can introduce suicide asSisted in the UK has a very discussion in the first week of the meeting, and experts have prejudiced, imbalanced, and even “shambles”. 。
This week, it was the first formal meeting of a committee to prepare a law to make the patient kill the patient if the doctor wants to end the patient early. I heard about experts around the world.
However, many major witnesses regarding the potential harm of the bill were excluded, and the supporters of the law even tried to keep the committee private so that the people could not hear what they were told. When British medical experts and experts raised concerns about the law and how they were introduced, they were interrupted and closed. At the same time, the cheerleader of the bill, Kim Read Beater MP, invites many extreme parent’s death witnesses that promoted the committee to make it easier to kill patients before the current plan. did.
The committee, which the members supported the bill, initially voted for excluding evidence from the royal psychiatrists and rights organizations for the disabled.
“Yesterday, the Congress Committee was impaired that it was a fair process that works on the troublesome reality of politics,” said journalist Dan Hitchens after the first day of the evidence. “Kim Read Beaters are playing to win on all appearance.”
James Creie MP agreed: “I don’t reassure me that it is a priority to obtaining excellent law for the supporters of the bill.” “I have seen this before. People are focused on winning and losing the importance of balancing visibility.”
Shocked expert
Many have expressed serious concerns about the reasons why the committee does not want to hear important experts about the important issues of forced and abilities. This is an important issue if people cannot put pressure on euthanasia. “The committee of the bill that literally rewrote the suicide law in 1961 opposed the invitation of a royal psychiatrist,” said Professor Katherine Thrienn, a professor in palliative care, a witness of palliative care. I was surprised.
“What is it!” I wrote Nikki Da Costa in X. He is a former director of the government’s legislative issue and is closely accompanied by this process. She raises a lot of important concerns, including the fact that the supporters of the bill have detoured ordinary parliamentary procedures, how to harm people with vulnerable suicide assistance after the committee ends. Just evaluate. “It will impair the line by line scrutiny,” she wrote. “It will help to identify the problem and correction. Now, the parliamentary can cherry pick for evidence.”
Bias process
Danny Kruger, an important critic of the bill, raised concerns about the way the lead beater controlled the process with the people called for evidence. Kruger explained that the list of 60 witnesses is “imbalanced” and supports euthanasia. “As far as we know, their 38 is advantageous to this bill or in favor of the principle of dying, but only 20 opposed,” said MP. “There is a unique imbalance.”
Many people who explain thoroughly that this process is biased. “I’m watching the third day of hearing from witnesses,” wrote in X, commentator Fleur Elizabeth. “”
“I refuse to consider Canadian evidence. I refuse to hear the voices from many acceptance scholars, lawyers, doctors, and practitioners. Surprisingly surprising baked by the Committee. There is a confirmation bias.
Experts were also rejected when they gave evidence of the problem of suicide Assisted Grassification and the danger. After giving evidence, Psychiatric Professor Alan House, “The frustrated format and the sense of heart are composed, but Kim Read Beaucer has said that I do not understand suicide in my life. Is interesting. “
For such a potential dangers, we have no discussions and the deliberation process is not transparent, so it is not enough to reduce the number of private members’ bills. It is explained. The Baron Kishver Falkner pointed out, but was interrupted by Leadbeater.
In addition, Mr. Yasuraku stopped Dr. Sarah Cox, the head of the Palliative Medical Association. Death is inevitably ugly, terrifying, and dramatic.
It was afraid of many people, they sent me an email and said, “I’m afraid of dying now, and I didn’t.” They have permeated the fear that death is inevitably terrifying and dramatic, so they may choose to support them before they need them. “
In reality, the fear of most people’s death is not realized when he is taken care of at the end of his life with hospice, pain -relieving experts, idyllic support.
Inexperienced lawmakers
In principle, many powerful discussions conducted to Suicide Assisted Assisted Secretary, especially in spite of the quality of this particular bill, the members of the Diet in November to 330 votes to 330 votes for 275 votes. Was thrown. However, this was carried out by many new members of the Diet, with little experience in Congress. Despite the immaturity of the parliament, they felt confident enough to vote for 63 %, but more experienced parliamentarians opposed 54 %.
It was also worth noting that members of the parliament who voted in favor of the parliament represented a more wealthy constituency. The committee includes the Minister of Health Steven Kinock and Sarah Sackman Sara Sackman, who voted for the bill. The new parliamentarians, Jake Richards MP, is also a member of the committee supporting the bill, but he spent the first day of evidence on his own tweet. The other members of the committee that voted were also new to Congress, including Tom Gordon MP and Lewis Atkinson MP.
This week, there are only a few serious issues on bills proposed by experts by the committee.
Professor Gareth Owen, a consultant psychiatrist, is confusing that the people are particularly confused by the terms of “dying dying” used by euthanasia, not causing death. I think. In addition, the court and those who implement related laws such as mental ability have no experience to deal with those who chose to become an “unknown territory”. Dr. Rachel Clark says that “Elephant of Room” can make a decision based on information about his health, and is it possible that someone can choose suicide? He stated that it was an important factor in determining or not. Actually it did well. Dr. Chloe First, an Australian doctor who supports suicide, may take hours for a vomiting person after taking the auxiliary drug, and he admits that he is not limited to the patient. 。 Faglet Haddy Britain, a disabled person, has stated a moving warning. “Congress, I want to see personal problems. We already feel that our lives already have a difficult struggle to convince people that it is equal. Dr. Jamila Hussein provides a very large number of services to a very small number of people. Dr. Sarah Cox, President of the Palliative Care Association, said that he believed that it would be affected. It is inconsistent with the claim that it has improved the end -of -life care in the country. 80 % oppose the legalization of suicide support, and only 5 % in favor of Dr. Relative, for example, ends his life. “You can’t always identify the forced to find if you are being pressed.” “It’s very difficult to monitor after the event, so it’s very difficult to monitor it.” Giving the terminal diagnosis and knowing when someone dies is “it’s not an accurate science. The highest medical officer Chris Witty IR warned. There is “spread of uncertainty around it”. Therefore, the supporters of the bill say that it is only for those who are near the end of life, but it is impossible to guarantee that this is true. Dr. Anabel Price, a royal psychiatrist, told the committee that depression was common at the end of the end, but if it was treated well, the desire for suicide would change. Professor Laura Hoyano said there is a technical problem in how the bill defines the role of a high court. “There are many unusual functions caused by the court.”
According to the institute, the initial date is on Friday, April 25 as much as possible, so it is unlikely that the committee will be completed before that.
After such an extraordinary concern about the so -called “death” bill, many commentators are surprised that they are being pushed through this way, and their supporters are simple and ideologic. I am deeply concerned that I am sick -information. “Everyone who knows suicide is happy and educated,” said Daniel Moillan Lord. 。 “
Heather Tomlinson is a freelance Christian writer. Please see the details of her work via or X (Twitter) @HeatherTomli