It has been a few decades, but when I saw the skin of the adult’s parent Relative, cooked a snake, and made a soup, I still feel that I felt when I was a child. I felt it was strange and vague. Eating snakes is almost the same as eating beef and mutton, but snake soups are considered luxurious in Shanghai and southeastern China in Guangdong Province.
About Chinese snakes
Many Chinese living in the north do not eat snakes, and eat snakes is a deplorable habit. In Hong Kong and Shanghai, a restaurant that provides snake soup is skeptical because there are few chefs who know how to make famous dishes because of the skepticism that it may be non -hygienic and unhealthy. It is difficult to find.
When I was a child, I didn’t have many snakes. However, my adult parent S explained to me that my uncle was struggling with rheumatism and cooked a snake. The family believed that eating snake meat would help him to cure his illness.
The Chinese have a snake complex view.
The Chinese have a snake complex view. We respect and fear them at the same time. Snake is one of the most important Totemic symbols in ancient China, and many tribes and ethnic groups regarded snakes as ancestors or parents.
In the myth of China’s creation, snake races are one of the ancient gods of the gods, and important gods such as bread, FUXI, and Nowa often appear as half of humans, and the origin and reproduction of life. Symbol. Taoism and some of the gods of folklore beliefs, such as high -end (the yellow emperor) and Xiwangmu (the mother of the West Queen), are also depicted as snakes or snakes.
Snakes are called “Little Dragon”. Because the dragon’s imaginary image and attributes have several similarities from snakes, snakes are considered a “mental animal” that symbolizes power and wealth, like a dragon. 。
Both snakes and dragons are listed in the yellow roads in China, but snakes and dragons have a “god” attribute that no other animals (cows, horses, chicken, rabbits, etc.) have no other animals. It seems. One of the differences between snakes and dragons is that the dragon is an imaginary creature that combines the quality of animals with different animals, while snakes are animals in the real world.
When the snake year arrives at the Chinese moon calendar, the Chinese say something auspicious on a daily basis.
When a snake year arrives at the moon calendar in China, the Chinese daily, such as “Snakes travel a thousand mile”, on a daily basis. In the spring, bring good luck, longevity, peace, and health. However, in Chinese culture, it is considered not only a symbol of health, wealth, wisdom, wisdom, and a mystery, but also a symbol of UNNING, malice, and danger.
In many cases, like Chinese beliefs in medical nutrition, Chinese people’s views on snakes are common in some of the physical attributes of snakes, including both positive and negative emotions. It is turned and is outside. For example, people think that snakes are RAW, slippery, and fast, so snakes are slippery, smart, sensitive, Unning, betrayal, ominous and malicious. 。 Snakes are molted many times a year, so I believe that people have the ability to be reborn and updated or unreliable.
However, there are probably no such simple intuition scientific evidence, as the belief that snake meat is effective for rheumatism and cough may not be strictly verified by clinical trials. Sho. Some of these intuitive beliefs may be the superstition of the borderline.
About the Bible snake
It is interesting to note that in Western culture, snakes have complex and dualistic symbolism, such as good and evil, wisdom and temptation, regeneration and UNNING, healing and poison. And some snake impressions in Western culture are related to the Bible and Jewish Christian traditions.
The first thing that comes to mind is the snake in the garden of Eden.
When many people think about the Bible snakes, the first thing that comes to mind is the snake in the Eden garden that sinned Eve and Adam to the world as a embodiment of Satan (Genesis 3). 。 The ancient snake in the Genesis is clearly a symbol of sin and DE drop.
In the book of revelation, the evil dragon is also called an “ancient snake,” and is also a clear symbol of the devil Satan (Revelation 12: 9, 20: 2). However, early in Genesis 3, God predicted Jesus Christ’s salvation through the curse of an ancient snake. “He will hurt your head and you will hurt his heels.”
Many years ago, as a Chinese immigrant, I was confused by the symbol of the snakes of Western hospitals and medical institutions. Is the purpose of saving life and healing people symbolized by snakes? I later learned that it derived from the Greek myth of AscrePius, which has many similarities to the Bible story, and some scholars are greeks in Hebrew. I believe it may have been influenced by experience.
In the number book, when the Israelites were complaining about the lack of food and water in the wilderness and the poor of their supplies, “The Lord bites a burning snake between the people and died.” Moses prayed to God for mercy and made a bronze snake in accordance with God’s instructions. He hung a bronze snake on the pole. Any of the Israelians who were bitten by a toxic snake by looking up at this bronze snake was healed (21: 4-9).
A prophecy of eternal life salvation that can be used by everyone who believes in Jesus.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus told Nicodems and Israeli, saying, “And Moses lifted the snake in the wilderness and have to lift the child’s child, and those who believe in him to have eternal life. You may have it. “(John 3: John 3: 14-15). Jesus clearly explained that the Healing of the Israelites, looking up at the snake lifted by Moses in the wilderness, is a premonition of the rescue of the eternal life that everyone who believes in Jesus.
Jesus, who often uses a story about his teachings, taught his disciples using snake -sensitive illity and clever symbols. The disciples were sent to execute a mission that is “wise like a snake, no sin like a pigeon.” Hostility (Matthew 10:16).
The book of the act was bitten by a poisonous snake on Malta, but was intact and was considered a miracle by an indigenous resident (apostle 28: 1-6), and the disciples of Christ were the Lord of the Lord. Confirm that there is a protection when they execute the Oita (Matthew 28: 18-20).
In the blessings of snakes and the music of “Golden Snake Dance”, here is a snake year here, so Chinese Christians meditate on many snake -related poems in the Bible and come to God. I can do it in thanks and prayers:
We have overcome the power of death and sin, and have hurt the heels of ancient snakes through Jesus Christ, a “descendant of women” who released us from the temptation and harm of ancient snakes. Thank you.
We respect the Israelites, who are nailed to the cross, settled with God, and receive eternal life, as they look up at the bronze snake hanging in Moses in Paul in Moses. Thank you to God. Healed as the wilderness.
We pray that God will give us a true heavenly wisdom and blessing. That way, I pray that the church and Christians in China, who are hostile to Christianity, will be “wise like a snake and as innocent as a pigeon.” Protection of missions and missions.
And God helps the snake take off the skin, serve God, and to transform our hearts like “Rome 12: 1-2-2).
Originally published by Chinese source. It was reissued with permission.
Sean Chen is a Chinese missionary in China, an experienced Chinese Christian Media editor and a veteran digital evangelist. He is a Christian Asian editor today (2022-24), serves as a missionary director of an overseas campus ministry (2011-19), and manages a personal missionary web page Jidian.
CHINASOURCE is a reliable partner to educate a global church on the important issues faced by Chinese churches and ministries, connecting Christians inside and outside China to move the kingdom of God worldwide. It is a platform for. CHINASOURCE’s vision is to engage in a ministry that learns, grows, and powerful Kingdom of God together with Chinese churches and churches around the world.