February 27th, 2025, 5:24pm
Young female general president Emily Bell Freeman and sister Tracy Y. Browning are the second counselors of the major presidency and have recently returned from the 11-day ministry in the northern Asian region.
They served separately in various places, each accompanied by their respective husbands, Brother Greg Freeman and brother Brady Browning.
“Help them feel seen and loved.”
To first arrive in Japan, the Browning sisters visited a ward in Sapporo. Sharing the message on the primary, she insisted that she connects with her through the message as the little girl in the front row brightens her face with a smile every time her sister Browning met her gaze.
Later, in a child’s prayer, the same girl ran over to the Browning Sisters, giving the child’s choir a big embrace before taking her place.
“There’s little to need to notice someone and help them feel seen and loved,” Sister Browning told church news, testifying to the “strong influence” he has on others to feel and receive the Savior’s love.
The biggest job
Japan’s President Freeman’s ministry began with a national broadcast to more than 225 Japanese congregations for young single adults and their leaders. She taught God’s love and helped others find healing and joy by finding Jesus Christ.
“You live in a country where many people don’t believe in Jesus Christ, and you do,” she said in her report on Churchofjesuschrist.org.
President Freeman reflected what President Russell M. Nelson said about the most important work on the planet today. She reminded members that some of their biggest tasks are “to bring as many people as we can to Christ.”
After the prayer, the young adult Nakanishi Lin said, “With the Lord, I strongly felt that anything was possible.”
“Jesus Christ is the real thing”
President Freeman meets with a group of young women in Hiroshima in Japan and is based on Doctrine and Contract 6:36 for his youth theme, “Looking Christ” in 2025.

One young woman asked President Freeman what it means to her to “see Christ.” She answered in verse 37:
“Look at the wounds that thrust into my side and the prints of my hands and toenails.”
President Freeman taught that remembering the example of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and service helps them to feel his relationship and love.
“Jesus Christ is real,” she said. “He knows our names. He knows our needs. He’s there to empower us.”
“He just asked if I believe it.”
President Freeman, who works for the Church’s Mission Executive Council, also met with missionaries for the Japan-Kobe Mission. She taught them the power of belief in Christ and what she learned about his gospel when she was called the Young Women General President.

After President Nelson extended her call to serve as general president of young women, President Freeman wondered what allowed her to be called.
“He didn’t ask for my resume. He didn’t ask for my qualifications. He didn’t ask what I was good at,” Remembered President Freeman, saying that the questions the prophet asked her were enlightening.
“He asked if I believed. …I think our beliefs are forgotten that what we didn’t imagine helps us do things that we didn’t think were true about us,” President Freeman said.
“I’m ready to be challenged.”
Serving in Korea, Sister Browning visited the Latter-day Holy Family home. One of the children told her he was “ready to be challenged” by the primary.
The Browning Sisters were strongly impressed by his desires and spoke to him about key service initiatives that guided key children to their communities in meaningful ways.

The disciple is a “great adventure”
President Freeman reminded young people and young single adults of Guam about God’s potential. She gave Peter’s Bible examples of overcoming fatigue, doubt and fear by believing in Jesus Christ.
She said being a disciple of Christ was a “great adventure.” This is a message that resonates with Igo member Reed Fillmore.
“Faith is more than just believing, Fillmore said in a report on the church’s Guam newsroom site.
Deep faith and strength
Both President Freeman and the Browning sisters saw the Lord’s hands in the life of the saints they visited.

“They are blessed with a deep faith in Jesus Christ and a sincere desire to keep their covenant,” Sister Browning said.
President Freeman added: “I love how they strengthen each other and how they find joy in the gospel.”