I write every weekly words 24 years later, and this week’s edition is my saddest thing. The events of the past few days and weeks have forced us to face new reality. All postwar generations grew up in America, which was by the Statue of Liberty, welcoming the world’s “weary, poor, homeless, breathless masses longing for freedom.”
It is now undergoing a highly dictatorial self-destruction as it has provided leadership in the free world since World War II, which has defended four freedoms (from fear and desire) worship and speech, (almost) promoted democracy, held accountable for unfair states, established institutions to ensure global financial stability, and protected deprived nations from predatory and authoritarian dictatorship.
The United States, which recently voted for Russia, Belarus, North Korea and 15 other dictatorial countries of the United Nations, has turned its back on her historical identity.
How did this Western loyalty and betrayal of values occur?
Friends and enemies alike are baffled by the praises of the incumbent new oval office for Russian dictators. Rumors about his recruitment by the KGB in 1987 would explain much if it were true.
However, American Polish historian and author Anne Applebaum last year provided a reliable explanation of the new administration’s direction in her latest book, Autocrats Inc. Don’t be surprised, she wrote. This was predictable and predicted.
It might be correct
Modern dictators are united by ruthless and single-minded resolve.
With the subtitle “Divineer Who Wants to Run the World,” her book argues that despite their different historical roots, goals and ideologies, modern dictators are united by a ruthless, single-minded resolve to maintain personal wealth and power.
Instead of ideas, “The powerful people who lead “Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Angola, Myanmar, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Mali, Belarus, Sudan, Azerbaijan and perhaps three dozen others will call out against the voices of citizens and take away the public voices. They will suppress anyone who challenges anyone at home or abroad… “Autocracy, Inc.” They also work together to get their members to power. ”
Last year, American allies warned that there is a need to make dramatic changes, especially in Europe, in the face of this new reality.
Her analysis coincides with ideas exercised over the years by Russian influencer Alexander Duguin. Pax Americana’s unipolar world (peace made possible by the United States) must give way to a multipolar world where great America, great Russia, great China and great India are engraved in a comprehensive layer around the world.
Putin always wanted to return to the so-called “European Concert” formula of the post-Napoleonic era, where the great powers decided the fate of the small country.
As stated in saying, “maybe.” Putin mercilessly pushed forward the theory of Lasky Mir, a reestablishment of the Russian Empire that corresponded almost to the former Soviet Union. Ukraine is a nuisance obstacle.
Washington is sending very clear and dangerous signals.
The US president’s purpose to “make America great again” includes the openly imperialist ambitions for expansion into Canada, Greenland, Panama and even Gaza. So why shouldn’t Russia advocate Ukraine and China-Taiwan? Washington is sending very clear and dangerous signals.
A heavy heart
For yet another reason, my mind is heavy when writing this. (I wish I was wrong!)
While there is clear evidence that elections in this administration were made possible by the goodwill of millions, my view misunderstood evangelical voters who believed in election promises to restore the Christian values of society and reestablish conservative standards on issues of marriage, abortion and gender.
Personally, I share some of these concerns. But the suffering, chaos and turbulence of millions of people worldwide in the weeks of reckless destruction so far reflects little prophetic warnings that this administration supports the virtues of justice, mercy and humility (Micah 6:8).
But a further layer of this tragedy is that many of my fellow followers have been wiped out by a movement that distorted the teachings of Lauren Cunningham, the founder of Ywam, whom I had known for 57 years. The so-called “Seven Mountains Movement” as I wrote elsewhere, “Seven Mountains Movement” distorts the “Lifespheres” teachings about “Lifespheres” into power grabbing’s takeback control strategy.
Words of hope
God is still sovereign.
But whatever the future may be, in America, Europe, Ukraine, or elsewhere, God is still sovereign. This may be the end of the era, just as it was for Augustine when Rome fell. Or for a wartime generation who endures the horrors of German nationalism. But this is not over yet.

From the reactions of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, we can draw strength to the threat from the angry Nebuchadnezzar (the Oval Office setup reverberated last week). “If we are thrown into the burning furnace,” they replied, “The God we serve can save us from it, but even if he does not, we want you to know your dignity, we want you to serve your God or not worship the image of gold you have set up” (Daniel 3:17-18). As depicted in Amsterdam Gable Stone (pictured) centuries ago, we all know the sequel.
As we contemplate the suffering of Christ, in this season of relief, may the Ukrainians who are betrayed and feel betrayed by their former strong allies experience God’s presence and God’s presence and protection…Resurrect death before God turns disaster into victory.
Originally published by Word every week. It was reissued with permission.
Jeff Fountain and his wife Romkie are initiators of the Schumann European Studies Center. They moved to Amsterdam in December 2017, where they lived in the Dutch countryside for over 40 years before working at the Ywam Heidebeek Training Centre. Romkje was the founder of Ywam in the Netherlands and chaired the national committee until 2013. Jeff was director of YWAM Europe for 20 years until 2009. Jeff chaired the annual hopes for Europe’s roundtables until 2015, while Romkie was the female chair of the Leadership Network until recently. Jeff is the author of Living of Hope, deeply rooted titles and other titles, and writes Weekly Word, a weekly column on issues relating to Europe.
The weekly word is the initiative of the Schumann Center for European Studies. Jeff Fountain is a New Zealander with a Dutch passport and is currently the director of the European Studies Centre (www.schumancentre.eu) and lives in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Jeff earned a history degree from Auckland University (1972), worked as a journalist at the New Zealand Herald (1972-3), and worked as a travel director for the Third Student Christian Fellowship (TSCF) (1973). He has lived in the Netherlands since 1975 and traveled and spoke to almost every European country. For 20 years after the collapse of communism, he was a missionary youth who was the European Director of International and Denominational Mission Organizations. He chaired the international international sectarian movement, the European hope that organized two Pan-European Parliaments in Budapest in 2002 and 2011.