Prayer to practice what you preach
Written by: Chelsey Dematteis, Read by: Lia Girard
Bible reading: “I am a vine. You are a branch. For me and anyone who will stay in Him, he has many fruits, for you can’t do anything apart from me.” – John 15:5
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A few years ago, I found myself in a season when I sat more frequently than the Bible was open. That’s not that I didn’t want to spend time with Jesus, I came out of the ditch. I allowed lack of sleep and lack of “quiet” time to be the reason my previous routine went on the roadside. Then one day, when I first grabbed the phone, confidence washed me off. If you can grab the phone and check the weather, email and calendar, you’ll have time to grab the Bible first. Things changed, my priorities changed, and God’s Word became the first in my time. Even if it’s just a few minutes. It had to be impossible to negotiate.
Now I think it’s most important to share how this happens. It’s not that you’re opening the Bible next to a warm, cozy fire with soft music illuminated by candles. It looks like this. Squinted eyes, I walked to the sofa, wrapped in a green fleece blanket, wrapped in a hot coffee in my hand, a pen left over my notebook, the Bible. It’s not pretty, but it’s life…it’s constantly changing and sanctifying.
Jesus’ words often think about Jesus’ words. John 15:1-5 states, “I am a real vine, and my Father is Vindle; all branches within me that he takes away that will not bear fruit, and all branches that will bring about, that he will pose as prunes, may have more fruit. Already, you are pretty. Stay in me, I am in you. Branch cannot bear fruit in itself, so unless it stays in me, you cannot do so either. I am a vine. You are a branch. Anyone who will stay in me and me, he has many fruits, for you cannot do anything apart from me.”
As I begin my days apart from someone who gives me the power to endure what comes my way, I walk with fatigue, my shields are lowered, my mind walks on the wide open battlefield of the battlefield. When things don’t think they’re going to do, I feel foggy and confused. My response tends to be closer to level 10 than level 1. My words are more divisive, shorter or ironic. And by the time the evening begins, what began as an unintended oversight of my time with Jesus soon turns into a day when my weaknesses plague every situation.
Thankfully, through God’s grace, he gives us a new day. A new morning of mercy where we can begin the season where Jesus is first placed before we forgive the world. When we remain in Christ and first put our hearts on him, we have the sword. Our reactions and decisions are more reflective of our Savior.
Let’s pray:
Thank you, Father, for your new gift of mercy. I admire you for spending the season from your words and always welcomed me with open arms when I first put this world thing in place. Help me when I watch you every morning and give me a refreshment to spend my day. Build my faith and give me the boldness to share my journey with those around me. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Photo Credit: ©StockSnap/Pixabay
Chelsea is the voice of my life, who lives a life of Christ in a world that is hardly podcasts and devoted to him for 52 weeks, who lives a life of Christ in a world that is centered around me. She writes Lifeway Women’s Journey Magazine,, and Devotions for She also writes a Bible Reading Plan for the Youversion Bible app. Chelsea lives in Ohio with her husband and two children. You can connect with her on Instagram @chelseydematteis and her website
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