February 21, 2025, 8:23am MST
In a prayer titled “The House of the Lord,” aired on Sunday, February 9th, the 12 apostles and Elder Jerit W. Gong of his wife, Susan Gong, Quorum, was marked by the Mexican church. I spoke to members of the group.
The gathering of members, leaders and new converts reflects the diversity and strength of the church community.
Elder Gong and his sisters were accompanied by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and his wife, Elder Marcus B. Nash, of 70 presidency, Shelley Nash. Elder Hugo Montoya, president of the Mexico region, and his wife, Sister Carmen Montoya. Elder Sean Douglas, the first counselor to the Mexican presidency. Elder Moisés Villanueva, the second counselor of the Mexican presidency.
The prayer was one of several meetings that Elder Gong had lordly sided during the Mexican province in February.
Temple connection

After sister Gong spoke about the power and importance of temple covenants in the lives of followers, Elder Gong shared a message about the importance of temples in the lives of members. He is close to his heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
“The Holy House of the Lord invites and declares holiness to the Lord,” said Elder Gong. Temples are more than just physical buildings. They are spiritual shelters, places of peace and divine connection.
The temple “makes everyday life sacred, bringing us closer to the Lord and each other, making us happy,” he continued.
An invitation to attend a temple is an invitation to walk closer with God, be blessed by His presence, and receive the strength necessary to face life’s challenges.
“In order to walk with the Lord, we must become holier because God is holy,” Elder Gong says, emphasizing the importance of the temple in helping individuals become like Christ. did.
Holiness is not an abstract concept, but a call to action in everyday life. It is to find a way to bring holiness to every aspect of one’s existence, even in the challenges of life, and to recognize God’s mercy.
This holiness is not limited to the temple, but extends to daily actions, relationships and efforts to become more Christlike, he said.
Temple Blessings

Elder Gong recalls the experiences he had at a young age while sealed by his temple parents.
Even from a young age, temple worship can emphasize the deep influence, with Elder Gong giving an image of “beautiful bright light” and a sense of “love and kindness” within the temple that resonates deeply with his heart. I created it. Temples are places where worshippers can feel God’s love and experience God’s peace.
Elder Gong also invited the bishop and stake president to obtain recommendations for limited use temples and prepare the names of their ancestors to bring the names of their ancestors for the mandate ordinance. encouraged preparation for attendance at the temple.
This connection with one’s legacy and fulfillment of the sacred contract has the power to bless individuals and families for future generations.
“The Lord is careful. … He wants to encourage and strengthen each of us,” Elder Gong said to the new converts to spiritually prepare him for temple worship. He said he urged and emphasized the blessings it brings.

Temple miracle

During the prayer, Elder Gong highlighted three miracles that occur in Mexico. The increase in temples, the importance of temples depicting Latter-day Saints as Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and the blessings of eternal families.
The expansion of temples, including the announcement of new temples in Mexico, is seen as a blessing that allows more individuals to approach God through temple covenants and regulations.
“The Lord’s Holy House helps our family become happy and eternal through Jesus Christ and His tone sin,” Elder Gong affirmed. Family is the heart of the gospel, and the temple plays an important role in uniting the family forever.
Elder Gong ended with an invitation to walk holiness, strengthen his family and deepen his relationship with God.
The temple is not only a place of worship, but also a symbol of hope, where you can find strength, guidance, and the promise of eternal life.
“I know he lives there,” Elder Gong testified. “There is nothing impossible for God. Be faithful, humble and hardworking, and everything will work together for your good in your time and way.”