Oli London has come a long way on his journey to faith after oppressing and leaving behind a life plagued by chaos.
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London, which is currently vocal about others facing gender discomfort, has recently been told that many people who often experience gender confusion, have experienced “very dark headspaces” about CBN He told the news.
London warned that he could not speak for everyone, but he recalled his own challenges in detail.
“Personally, for a lot of these people, they’re in a very dark headspace in the sense that they’re very, very depressed,” he said. “They judge themselves every day. They are not happy. That means that the fact that you are willing to cut up your body parts and change yourself beyond repairs makes you very, very, very It really shows the fact that you are mentally struggling with something difficult to do.”
With that in mind, London is a person who shows sympathy and helps people who suffer from gender issues to guide them to clarify, especially since the truth of the problem is often protected. I encouraged them to try.
“You cut off these body parts… because you hate yourself and some people because you are abused, not yourself, but some people,” he says. I said that. “Translobby has a lot of money, a lot of power. They try to curb any research.”
London also spoke about the medicalization of the issue, with many doctors and experts telling the truth and reluctant to drive children out of gender medicine and surgery.
“I didn’t say it to my doctor… ‘If you don’t do this, you might end up taking your life,” he said. “But many parents have been told this by their doctors and therapists.
Finally, London involved people who restrained the gender industry and truth, explaining the difficult places some parents might be in themselves.
“It’s a very evil agenda, but there are many parents who generally think they’re doing their best for their children,” he said. “They’re told by medical professionals and they trust that person. They see their kids going through something very difficult and they want to be happy. I hope.”
And some doctors argue that children will be happy with the transformation that affirms them. And when he warned that if parents didn’t follow, their children might take their lives, he said these parents were “said very cruelly.”
“For parents, it’s the worst nightmare scenario,” London said. “That’s how they get many parents to agree with these irreversible surgeries and hormones, and that’s a very cruel process.”
London also explains the way of thinking of many people identifying trances from his perspective, “thinking everything from the moment they wake up to the moment they sleep, to being trance.” I explained.
“It’s the number one thing to consume them, and it’s almost like an opioid addiction,” he said. “It’s because it completely consumes the person. That’s all they’re focusing on.”
London continued. “They’re thinking, “OK, how can I get my hormones? How can I get my next surgery? What can I do next?”
This was his own way of thinking and struggle as he navigated gender issues. He recalls finding himself unhappy even as he took extensive action to turn himself into a woman.
“I had been reflecting for months, ‘Would I continue this path? Will I continue to undergo more and more surgeries?” he recalled. “And at the end of the day, it gave me temporary happiness for several months every time I did something. And I said, “I am my life, my life like this.” Can you live the rest of your life, be unhappy and happy, put on a smile, put on makeup, pretend to be happy, or actually take a step back and say, “How can I do this mentality Can I change it? How can I correct my thoughts?
London said the journey was tough, but he was able to begin his own path to revising himself and accepting biological sex. In the process he discovered Christianity and peace in developing his faith. It is peace that gave him the power to find inner healing.
“It’s where I went to church and Christianity that got me into my life because it was a stepping stone to feel encouraged to change,” London said. “It was a stepping stone that helped me feel the strength to actually do this.”
Ultimately, he is currently working to help others find freedom, explaining the power that people can find in faith to make a difference.
“If you feel trapped, and you feel unhappy, why not step into the church?” he said. “They are non-judgmental because they guarantee you to change your life because Christians are so kind. And I think it’s because many people who have been trapped in this gender cult, and say, “Oh, Christians are I think that you are judging us, you know they don’t accept us, but in fact Christians are the most acceptable community. They don’t judge you in the past.”
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