Actress Patricia Heaton is the mission of standing up for the people of Israel, and remains immovable in opposition to Hamas, fear, and negative stories that penetrate the hearts and hearts of university students.
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The Star of “Raymonds of Love” stars at Hamas’s seven terrorist attacks against Israel and “after watching the terrible video of terrorists who slaughter Israelians, children, babies, and the elderly, and then went to social media. He was baked alive to the CBN news.
These terrible scenes have left Heaton “shocked”. She initially remembered that the rest of the world would be furious. Instead, she shook her “silence” and a disturbing support for Hamas.
In particular, some of the patterns of conversations and actions on the university campus surprised her.
“The campus was ready for the printed signs, flags, and Kefier, so it exploded immediately at a terrorist rally. Why is this different from Paris? “
She said in these examples that the world had “protested and stood up,” but after Hamas’s fatal attack, he had somehow treated as an enemy.
“I just thought I had to do something here,” said Heaton. She had a partner with her friends to launch the coalition on October 7. 。
Eventually, the actress said that the Lord felt that she was trying to impose her on a plate.
“I felt God was calling me to do something,” she said. “We were just answering the phone that came to our hearts.”
Middle graduates said that the organization would confront incorrect information and the rising tide of chaos.
“Through universities, Iran paid by Iran, Hamas, and Hesbola are paid by Qatar, and many propagandas are refined, paid by Qatar, brainwashed people, and Israel is Israel. Hiton said in 2005, advertising and advertising people to think of being a gaza.
In addition to defending the truth, Heaton is preparing for the “Devola Rising” meeting held in Israel on May 17-24.
“Devola was the only female judge in the Old Testament, and it was her wisdom to help Slael from enemies,” said Heaton. “And to exchange our own experience of how our religion, how our religion combines and intersects, and how we can receive it from each other. I feel like I want to connect a woman. “
Conference and tour speakers listen to the interpretation and perspectives of various Bibles and build friendship with each other. Eventually, they oppose anti -Semitism and support Israel.
“I’m afraid that sometimes you will confront this overwhelming hostility and the wave of attack, but in fact we are the majority,” said Heaton. “Most people want to live peacefully. Most people don’t want to kill Jews or kill Christians, so they have to get up and say it.”
And the defender helped Heaton grew deep in her Christian religion.
“My religion is deeper and richer because Judaism is our source,” she said. “It was the place where Jesus was planted, he was Jewish, and to be one of the Jews, to get their perspective and get their history.”
Heaton said in recent travel to Israel -in her first country, especially in consideration of the local history and its importance of Christianity, to change life.
“This is an important time that Christians really step into the river and become part of the people of God in a very active way,” she said.
See the details of the “Devola Rising” meeting.
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