February 4, 2025, 7:00 am MST
The next friend of the Church of the Church of Jesus Christ for parents, leaders, children, and their friends will be broadcast on Saturday, February 15. We encourage the children to participate in the service pattern and the children.
The local preliminary election has been invited to participate in service activities that begins in 2025, and a friend of a friend in February, “I will show many of these principles in planning and holding service activities in a beautiful way.” Said President Porter.
On the broadcast, David A. Bedner, a 12 apostle and his wife, Susan Bedner, met with Salt Lake City’s 10 brave primary class, and about their service and needs. Talk to them.
“You’re going to go out, plan and run their activities,” said Porter. “Finally, they will come back and have a different discussion with the elder and sister Bedona about what they felt and learned.”
She was in the primary class when she invited on Sunday and took me to a class of a young man and a young woman. Sister Tracy Y. Browning, the second counselor of the major presidential position, went to the park with the children and held service.
“It was really special to see the children lead,” said the browning sister. The community members, parents, and friends added, “And as a result, there is this beautiful space for people to come.” “And that was what the children thought for themselves.”
Aimmy A. Light, the first counselor of the main presidential position, said that the episode contains a common thread for children to plan, invite, and serve. In another part of the episode, two children’s host taught major presidential position how to make craft.
“So, after seeing the children in various abilities, I also see the service in the form of the service to tell someone what I didn’t know,” said the light sister.
In a post of a major global social media account, the main presidential position talked about future broadcasts, from friends to friends.
Another social media posting includes some of the backgrounds of shooting in the park where children were involved in service projects.
Browning sisters say: I was very grateful to be able to stay in the park with them because they did this activity. “
Social media posting had a reminder about the episode paper craft. Children can collect these supplies in advance and participate.
Paper (1 child to make one paper chain) is Scissorscrayons or Markestape
How to look at friends in February 2025 with friends
This episode can be downloaded with a gospel library on February 13, and on Saturday, February 15, the Gospel Stream App, and the Mountain Standard Time for Children’s Mountain Standard Time Use can. :
After the broadcast, you can use these YouTube channels and gospel libraries with your previous friend’s episode to watch anytime. Children can see their primary or individually with their families.
This episode is available in Albania, ASL, Cantonese, Czech Republic, and Danish Gospel Library. Description audio, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Korean, Mandarin, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Russian Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainians 。