Recently, the “Bible woman” is a buzzword and is usually heavy in a non -positive sense. It is now related to women’s conquests and lack of women’s leadership in the religious community. This is what I’ve been thinking about this year since the women’s historical month approaching the end.
In the summer of 2017, I posted a blog. “Wonder Woman may be the most accurate screen description of the Bible’s femininity. This article is a review starring GAL GADOT, one of the largest films of the year, the Wonder Woman of Patty Jenkins. I wonder if I could get the title today.
Immediately after publishing the post, I support what I wrote, like Jefferson Beske and the pastor of the Liquid church Tim Lucas, I respect the Christian thinker I respect. And I had to admit, I felt it was pretty good. Hundreds of women were crowded in comments, how they felt when they saw the movie, or they were ready to completely reject the movie until they came across my article.
Unfortunately, strict critics also came out of woodworking. My comment section was an invasion pool of women’s disgusting remarks defended by the Bible poems outside the scope. Several blog posts and YouTube videos are directly refuted to me, and I intentionally advertise the heroine in a shallow pop culture, or advertise the heroine inspired by the Greek mythology. I will explain how to mislead.
Three principles on femininity
Precautions that were Arter by the article -The good or illness was reflected the fact that I made a chord. It has proved that there is a thirsty audience against God’s truth, especially what a woman means. So I submit these three principles about the femininity collected from Wonder Woman.
1. God regards women as a strong warrior, not partner or retrofitting.
William Marston, the creator of Wonder Uman comic, once wrote: … Obviously a relief measure is to create a woman’s character with all the strength of a good and beautiful woman in addition to all the strength of Superman. ”
What does Marston mean “beautiful”? That is for discussion. The important thing is that Maston believes in women’s complex and multifaceted properties. This is a feature that should be emphasized more than in our culture. Wonder Woman is not your typical one -dimensional action heroine. Yes, she rotates the air, jumps out of the cliff, and efficiently reduces enemies like other superheroes. No, she hasn’t meaningfully killed people with leather lingerie and sword.
Wonder Woman is the first superhero, which is completely equipped with battle skills, but is purely motivated by love instead of a reinstatement (or other versions of complicated and bitter backlets).
God regards women as a strong warrior, not partner or retrofitting.
I will never forget the story given by my colleague Suzy Silk.
In the Genesis 2:18 (NIV), God is used in “A man is not good. I make a helper for him.” Ezer KENEGDO “. The word “Ezer” is a military term used 21 times in the Old Testament. It is used twice to explain three times to express Israel in an alliance between Eve and other countries. The remaining 16 times the word appears in the Old Testament, and God explains himself using words.
Did you catch it? It is named God’s name Eve “Ezel”, and then he consistently applies the same name to himself. God is a support, a strong help in desperate situations, and we were created to follow.
The same theme is featured in Pro 31. This represents a noble woman. This passage is the only time in the Old Testament translated as “Takashi” because the word “chayil” in Hebrew refers to a woman. Every time the word appears, it is related to the soldiers and is close to the word “brave”. David’s mighty man? They were “men of courage”.
However, as Silk pointed out, the military language has penetrated PRO 31 31: “The word” purchase “means” she drives out the prey and she brings it back. It’s a hunting term, and when she says, “She protects her waist with strength.” ”
2. Our emotional vulnerabilities are our strength, not our weakness.
“Wonder Women’s director Patty Jenkins, the biggest thing about Wonder Woman is how kind, kind and affectionate she is, but does not deny her power.”
As a general woman, as an artist, I am very touching my emotions. It helps me put myself in other people’s shoes and become sensitive to the people around me. However, I can get hooked on my emotions, for example, to be deeply hurt or disappointed than my husband Moses. And it’s not unusual for me to start RES completely.
There are several hopes and emotional moments in the movie that Diana is simple. But Wonder Woman’s compassion is definitely her biggest superpower. She really loves people and enjoys life. She is an optimist, and her best values are hope and love, despite the evil she witnessed. This kindness is definitely a lack of quality in the counter part of most Marvel and DC comics (excluding captain America).
In the privilege of being a woman, Christian philosopher Alice von Hildbrand, “Tears are the appropriate reaction to cruelty, fraud, cruelty, and hatred. Christ is when I saw Jerusalem. I cried when he came to the grave of Lazarus.
If Jesus is a completely human and in our case in the meaning of delighting God, there is no shame in our sensitivity, even if Jesus cries.
As Von Hildbrand wrote, the woman said, “It is called to purify the sensitivity given by God and turn it into an appropriate channel. (We) fighting the tears of modernine, holy tears. In other words, you should pray for love, thanks, and repentance.
Diana never paralysis due to her emotions or she is RES. Instead, she uses them as a catalyst to take action and defend weak and innocent people. Remember that my sensitivity can collect more insights in human condition and become a better writer. Needless to say, without my emotions, I can’t easily sympathize with others, and I can’t pray for other people as I am now.
3. If you stand hard on the identity given by God, you can change the world.
As soon as Diana leaves the Utopia’s Temsilla house, she collides with the darkness of the real world, especially the harsh reality of World War I. ”
No, I’m not ready. No, you can’t enter the war room. No, I can’t fight Ares. No, you can’t carry a sword on the street.
During the turning point, she asks again, “No.” It is far from darkening her eyes, and this last “no” only succeeds in burning fire. Her mission is her herself and is no longer tied to the restrictions or expectations of others. She can be exactly the person who has been created.
I am very guilty of letting others indicate who I will be, rather than hearing one important opinion: God’s. Even worse, all voices that compete for my attention are inconsistent with each other.
As a first -generation Filipino immigrant, I am told to follow my career and use all the opportunities here in the United States. (But don’t forget all housework.) As a woman in the traditional American Christian culture, I become a husband’s help mate and have a menu plan worthy of Pinterest and a house decoration. I need to be. (And “Don’t forget that you are a mother is your best call.”)
These are all intentional concepts, but when they are pulled in various directions, even with the expectations of others and their self -imposed pressure, how to know how to live in my life. mosquito?
I love the method of a tumper -based Christian hip hop artist KB put it on his song “NO CHAINS”.
It’s a conservative liberal /it is charismatic and reformed /My wife is happy, and Jesus loves me.
Occasionally, I need a similar reminder for the freedom I can use as a woman. When I want to get into an artificial label placed by me or myself, I try to remind me of these:
God called me, especially for my fellow women, to use my writing and gifts to God’s words and gifts. God called me to be my husband, Moses, and all the mothers of my children. Everything else is almost optional.
God of God created us
I continue to teach women with a full -time miniature gig with Familylife in New York, contact the audience through online platforms, raise three young girls, so I have all the competing voices they instruct. Women are passionate about helping to organize. Women are very multifaceted, all seasons of life are different, so no one of us fits the type. And that’s okay. Life is difficult, but it is full of interruptions that depend on God. The only thing we can do is to identify the Holy Spirit, which is so sensitive and called to be done instantaneously.
The author, Ruth Haley Burton, states this in the invitation of her book. She discusses the importance of each believer has “dominance of life.” This is the pattern of attitudes, practice, and actions we committed to the purpose of keeping us open to the transformation of Christ. To do so, she recommends the reader to ask this question. How do you want to live so that God becomes the person who created me and know that I am?
What the actress Gadot says about her character can be true for all women. “She is sensitive and the best warrior so far, and she is strong and confused. She can do all of the above in a beautiful way.”
Copyright © 2024 by Marilette Sanchez. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.
Marilet Sanchez is a New Yorker who is passionate about finding a connection between God, human relationships, and pop culture. She is a Moses’s wife, a mother of five young children’s home schooling, and a full -time missionary with family life. She believes that Christian life has more hypocritical life and more pop culture than shallow art. Moses, a college lover and the indigenous residents of New York, her and her husband, love, hip -hop and love for pop culture, a family life that is known for injecting the ability to inject into discussions and marriage discussions. It’s a weekend. She recently established an online apparel company to increase the awareness of church and color community mental health issues. Follow her of her child -rearing and home schooling journey on @bigCitybigfamily’s Instagram and home schooling trips on