“Don’t consider old things, not before. Look, I’m doing something new. It’s greasy now, do you not perceive it? I am in the desert wilderness and river. Create a road inside. “(ISA. 43: 18-19, ESV).
50 years ago, a struggling Stallone saw a boxing game and wrote a script (in three days), and then made the movie “Rocky”. He also made five movies featuring the same character. I saw the original movie again, inspired at this historic moment, and followed the prizes of people.
This is what God intends to us with this supernatural reset. “The Golden Age in the United States is now starting,” is a way that the President puts it in the beginning of his first message to the United States.
Our children and our grandchildren are rescued from insidious and advanced ideology that brought the decline in the United States. Imagine that it has just endured the appointment of President Camara Harris, San Francisco Radical, the second president, the second president of the United States, the “moral norm”, Biden.
The Bible said, “Don’t stay in the past. Hey, I’m doing something new!” He learns lessons, “New!”, But return to the ring and accept the opportunity for God to give you. Their goal is to reduce the influence of Christianity and promote evil, so the devil’s army is not going to leave the arena.
Miracle mile
One of the most iconic races in world history was the competition between Roger Banister in England in 1954 and John Landy in Australia. Both broke 4 minutes of miles and were attacked by 35,000 people. The first issue of Sports Illustrated was featured this famous race. With a 90 -yard yard, Randy was ready for victory, but looked back, lost momentum, won, won 3:59.6 from 3: 58.8.
Today, Lincoln and Reagan’s most transformed president have been one of the most transformed presidents, not the time of regret, but we look forward to the glory of God and look forward to it. The true optimism of 2025 to engage in prayer and sharing.
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“I’m nervous about what’s in the first thing, so let’s press the goal of God’s upward call in Christ Jesus, our owner. I am mature. Let us think like this (Phil 3: 13b-15A, ESV).
Looking back on 15 catastrophe
We are starting a turn around in our country, so we thank God when we put it behind us:
Videnn’s scandalous concealment, which has a mental disorder during his employment. The Biden administration has confused Trump because his policy will cause continuous damage for the next few years. He is culturally, moral, economical, global, and weak in the United States. As the liberal bishops have said to humiliate Trump, many terrorists, child smugglers, sexual personal traders, criminals (not just an unhappy child), 15 million unmanned laws Allow immigrants to break. In addition to the death penalty for the 37 death murderers, the family and friends will be notified that they will give a “preemptive amnesty” at the last minute. The taxpayer’s money will actively promote abortion as “repro duct healthcare”. The obscene expenditure exploded at the national debt at the recording level (for example, diversity, fairness, $ 100 million taxes. If you do not manage this debt, the economy will collapse. The Ministry of Finance will focus on our criminal judicial system, the embarrassing trance of the trance and the Agenda of LGBTQ. He is a riot on January 6, like George Soros. Knowing to do it, Froid died, took billions of dollars, and was rejected as a “peaceful protest,” and our country loses and deceives, and deceives. It was done.
Praise God that a terrible chapter is placed behind us. We allowed the last appearance when we entered the ring and race. Rotten, advertising, and lies remain as a bad smell of God’s nostrils, and as a young Christian said, “I’m tired of lying!”
We will move forward with hope and vision
I said goodbye to the government. Our appeal to heaven is for the blessings and guidance of God, as we declare that we trust in God. As a fearful, patriotism, a traditional American, we swear to pray for the leader, share the gospel and the truth, and believe in the third wake -up and have courage. 。
Trump teams are suffering from our prayers. Our newly launched president has taken an experienced and capable cabinet and signed over 100 presidential orders. One of the bold and decisive orders declares that the federal government will no longer recognize transformer men or women.
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There is a supernatural change that changes the mood of the United States. At the time of reorganization. God is merciful to us, has a fresh vision, hope, and determination to wipe out the awakening of extremists, deceived CEPT socialism, and the poison of day. Discrimination, exclusion, and educational.
Let’s unify the United States again for the glory of God.
Turn Around time
We, like the “American Morning”, which was selected after the miserable Carter, is part of the historical reset and the president of transformation.
This is not time to retreat, but it makes a decision and reveals ignorant policies and ideology in the Bible’s position on important issues. We are tenacious and declare the truth via all the vehicles that God has given to us. We are Isacial’s son who understands the times and knows what to do (see one cron 12:32).
We know that they must reach this next generation on their mobile phones by fighting for religion, not “fighting against a good battle of religion”. That’s why 16 top Christian leaders were equipped with 30 Bulls Eye videos for free, confident and courageous about the hot buttons today.
This is a transaction: God gave us grace. Grasp this gift for his glory, as Rocky said, “Please go for that!”
“Therefore, I knew that my beloved person, immovable, immovable, always existed in the Lord’s work, and that your labor was not wasted.”
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Larry Tomczak is a 10 -book best -selling writer, a 50 -year -old cultural commentator, an interquesole for members of the United States, and a public policy adviser for Liberty Advisors. Go to Tolrytomczak.com and watch 30 surprising, short, short on -demand videos by American top leaders. That way, you can confidently deal with today’s harsh problems.