Recently, in Washington, D.C., he was challenged by a 83-year-old leader of more than 100,000 churches in Chad, along with prominent spiritual influencers such as Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk and catalyst leader Lance Walnow. He said, “It’s essential that we get to what God is doing now!”
Decades ago, Arthur Wallis, one of England’s best prophetic leaders, said, “Larry, if you do your best in your life, find out what God is doing in your generation and run away to it!”
Has God given you a passion to pursue His will? We look back at four insights.
4 Takeouts from recent summits
1. With the declaration of gospel and biblical truth, it remains radical in supporting the centrality of Jesus and His bride, the Church.
In God’s incredible intervention in our recent elections and salvation from the corrupt and insidious policies of the left, God has mercilessly answered our prayers and engagements and given us a reprieve.
“Christians should not engage in politics”? We are brave in dealing with corruption, illegal immigration, fraudulent spending, homosexuality, trans madness, abortion, and indoctrination of children.
2. It demonstrates true diversity by equipping and liberating God-talented people for ministries, not maintenance.
Pastors need to prepare people (see Eph. 4:11-16) to become participants, not pussitters participating in the “In-N-Out Burger” service. It’s overwhelmed and eradicated.
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Christians must find their place on the wall, as in Nehemiah 4:15. Nehemiah rebuilt the 4.5-mile broken wall of Jerusalem. This was laid in abandoned for 150 years, but recovered in 52 days by teamwork rather than by one person’s ministry.
Our own roundtable reflects the richness of multi-gifted mosaics. Check out false diversity and false diversity, fairness and inclusive awakening: Rick Joyner, Prophetic Ministries. Janet Porter, a pro-life pioneer. Wellington Boone, Black Bishop. General Jerry Boykin, retired special forces. Grammy-winning musician Ricky Scuggs. Brad Cummins, founder of Bible innovator. Bobby Connor, healing and rescue. Dr. Nicholas Papanicolau, Economist. Lance Walnow, Catalyst Leader. Political strategist Mark Nattl. Bob Weiner, evangelist. Film producer Rick Eldridge. Nigel Big Pond, Native American leader. I’m a cultural commentator. and (in absenteeism) Cindy Jacobs, Prayer, Steve Strang, Publisher.
3. Strengthen intercession. Trump dodged the bullet, believed in God, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” America was rescued, and demanded a fierce prayer for our leaders, as 1 Timothy 2:1-2 overseen!
The Chad pastor said: What happens here affects the world! “We must remain enthusiastic in prayer (particularly for protection).
Here’s the end of the 2024 report in America. I have never seen anything like that on the board for almost 50 years:
Over 2 billion website viewing. 80 million website engagement. 100 million emails.
Pastor: Was your church involved in election prayer? Did you hand out objective voter guides? If you make the mistake of saying “Christians should not be involved in politics,” do you swear by change?
We have all escaped what was a catastrophic collapse. It’s time to be involved as bold and salt, and to stop spoilage.
4. Restore biblical principles for adjuring the accusation. Of all the issues discussed in prayerably biblically at this year’s Round Table, this topic was given the most time. Mike Bickle is the leader of this generation’s global prayer movement. The respected Dr. Michael Brown is being scrutinized alongside others for doubts that have been questioning their actions for decades.
What about TD Jakes and the leader of Daystar?
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Caution: Honest Christian investigative journalists cite Jesus as the commercial purpose of minors (21:12) and the revelation of sinful elders (1 Tim 5:19-20). There is a Bible procedure to follow carefully first. Rather than stepping carefully in search of headlines and broken stories, we often ask for prayers, patiently wait for the investigation to get all the facts, then wait patiently to jump prematurely.
The Bible says, “If a person is involved in a violation, the spiritual you should look at yourself and restore such a person with a meek spirit so that you are not seduced either” (Galah 6:1-2, MEV).
Paul revised the Corinthian Church so that members go to secular judges instead of treating criminals appropriately in the church context (see 1 Corinthians 6:1-8).
Jesus exposed the hypocrisy and self-righteousness of the religious leader who brought a woman who had been involved in an act of adultery, and then he said he had not condemned her and told her, “I will not commit any more sin and commit any more” (John 8:1-11).
It was God’s intention to start in autumn and restore the broken relationship between ourselves and humanity. Two of the New Testament’s most prominent leaders were products of the restoration. Paul supported killing Christians. Peter betrayed Jesus in three times.
Although such a simple commentary cannot concisely lay out any aspect of this subject, we can recognize that the Bible warns Jude 1:16–19 (ISV) and 2 Peter 2:11 (KJV) about those who have a “fault” spirit and those who “return a railing accusation.” Jesus clearly directed in Matthew 18:15-16 to go to brothers or sisters (including leaders) who are involved in sin and deal with them personally. Then bring in two or three other things and check all the facts. And after overcoming the problem in the context of the local church and repeatedly attempting without appropriate response.
Today, social media mob rules, ignorant or disobedient Christians, people who carry crime from the past can quickly rush to judge, ignore the legitimate process and simply blow up someone accused of something. When feathers are thrown from the tower, they will never be able to be retrieved and will ruin your reputation. Remember when the case of Duke Lacrosse players and Jussy Smollett was revealed as a lie? Recently, the elders issued a statement (plus 30 years of Megachurch pastors exceeded $1.45 million) and apologised for not properly handling their actions.
No one has said that he will forget true repentance, minimize sin, ignore the victim’s light letter and suffering, remove the consequences, fail to investigate, verify allegations, concealment from the appropriate authorities, or fail to serve victims of abuse with responsibility and compassion.
What every individual in the Round Table understood and agreed to is the need to post social media, slander, speculate, speak recklessly, and take the fire of the scheme by the “brother accuser” (Rev. 12:10-12, NKJV). God hates “soaking discord among his brothers” (Prov. 6:19).
“It seems right that he first sued his case until another case came and looked into him” (Prov. 18:17, NASB 1995). So we all “listen quickly, speak slowly, and rage slower” (James 1:19b, CSB). In the midst of all these cyclical stories and accusations, promise to pray for the problem individual and trust that the leader who investigates the problem has the wisdom of how to proceed for all goodness and the glory of God.
Larry Tomczak is a bestselling author of ten books, a cultural commentator of 50 years, Interquesor for American board members, and public policy advisor to Liberty. Go to and watch 30 amazing, free, short, on-demand videos from top American leaders. This way you can confidently deal with today’s tough problems.